Darkspear Heritage Is Shallow

The Darkspear Trolls of WoW are one of the most unique and interesting interpretations of Trolls. They’ve been my favorite race since I played WC3 twenty years ago. That’s why I’m so heartbroken about what Blizzard delivered with their heritage quest line.

After finishing the Darkspear heritage questline, here are my thoughts. (Spoilers Ahead) At the end I have offered some specific ideas I think could have improved the experience.

The quest line is … OK. It is mostly shallow and is almost an exact knock off of the starting quests for Darkspear trolls, lacking the emotional weight and stakes of the starting questline with Vol’jin and Zuni.


  1. There really isn’t much Darkspear heritage in the quest, as much as it is a continuation of the bigger LOA lore from BFA/Shadowlands. What little actual world building involving the Darkspear’s religious and cultural identity is pretty shallow, and quite literally reflects grade school level art projects like making Native-American masks out of paper plates.
  2. The Zandalari overshadow still exists within the questline. Zandalari are a cultural powerhouse in comparison to the Darkspear, and sadly the dev’s lean into that undermining any classic Darkspear Identity.
  3. There is no meaningful reference to “Heritage.” Vol’jin and Sen’jin are both missing from the questline. It’s bad enough that the majority of Darkspear lore we have is built through these two characters, the idea that they are completely missing from the questline is bad.
  4. Rokhan has no personality, then steals our spotlight after we do the work. Yup, another cutscene where an NPC jumps up and does the deed while our character stands idly by… (in that awful armor.)
  5. The heritage armor is inaccurate (in pictures of Troll’s wearing the cloth mask, the mask never covers a distinctive Troll feature, their noses. This mask just looks silly and lazy in its design.)
  6. The most iconic Rush’kah mask is the one on the Darkspear coat of arms… why didn’t we get that mask? Also, there are the Rush’kah from the BFA cinematic… which look better than the options we got. Lastly, the “extra masks” look like they were designed for burning crusade classic graphics, not modern WoW standards.
  7. The two colors for the heritage armor are Brown and Red. The Darkspear tabard is green. Would have been cool to have at least one set work with the tabard.
  8. The sets themselves are bugged, being that only some bits show up outside the complete set option. As of completing the quest, I could not transmog the “red” left shoulder separate from the whole set. (This may be fixed in a later patch, but then again, Rogues still haven’t gotten boots for their Tier 21 Antorus set.)
  9. The back piece is good, but should sit higher up on the male Troll model, it looks like its floating and doesn’t quite work.
  10. The shoulders are great. The chest piece is good, but not particularly distinct. It fits with a lot of the art, but could also be associated with a ton of other races.

Summery: the whole experience (quest and armor) to me, feels shallow. Who was this questline for? It doesn’t reveal or expand anything about Darkspear fantasy. It feels like a grade school art lesson on culture, surface aesthetic without any meaningful connection.

A couple of ideas that I think could have improved the experience and quest.

  1. More story around why the Darkspear chose Bwonsamdi, and why they worshipped those specific LOA. Integrate the creation of the Rush’kah masks into the quests to discover the LOA instead of an arts and craft session at the end.
  2. There is no escaping Zandalari overshadow, but this could have been an opportunity to investigate the difference from the Darkspear path and the Zandalari, while potentially creating a merging of the two cultural identities… by:
  3. Fleshing out Rohkan’s personallity through his relationship with Talanji. Imagine if we actually got a Troll wedding ceremony? Or if they are just friends, Rohkan could have shared the stories of Sen’jin and Vol’jin with Talanji, so she could get a better understanding of who the Darkspear are.
  4. Take the time to make the armor accurate to the lore and art. A unique cloth mask that doesn’t hide the distinct features of the race is exactly the kind of love Heritage armors should be about. Take the leggings for example. If I’m being generous, they could’ve been modelled on the female Troll body, but actually seem to be based on the same leggings the Night Elf heritage armor used, that half skirt, half shirt tale style. If the Kul’Tiran can have a unique chest piece for their heritage armor, why can’t Darkspear Trolls have unique legs? Or a unique cloth mask? Something that actually works with their unique model.
  5. The over all aesthetic of the armor reflects the overall experience of the Questline. Yes there are clearly Darkspear (or at the least Troll) elements in both, but instead of celebrating and expanding their identity and culture, they just seem to be purely superficial and shallow interpretations.

In a game as large as WoW, I understand that not every niche content will get equal attention and there is no doubt that some effort went into this questline. The end result, however, lacks any real heart, feels rushed, and does a thing that I’ve been vocal about a lot lately. It’s only paying lip service to an idea, instead of putting in the work to flesh out the idea. I appreciate the work the Dev’s put into the questline, I just didn’t find it compelling.

The Heritage weapon should have been a Darkspear. It’s in the name, after all.
And can we get troll assets that aren’t from 2004!

Problematic: After the recent controversy over Zekhan’s disgusting portrayal as an uneducated savage being taught by the white coded blood elf, the idea that one plot point in the Darkspear heritage quest is the Darkspear apologizing to a Loa for neglecting them is kind of gross. There is something to be said about cultural coding of fantasy races and then the way they are portrayed in the fantasy. The idea that peoples who are consistently coded as “evil” for plot purposes are then forced to apologize for a plot device that doesn’t seem natural…. Just feels wrong. I will need more time to think on this and may need to do a deeper dive in a different post about “not seeing color” politics erasing identity. Anyway, I feel like this was important to add.


These are WoD assets, these were wall decorations, and you saw it on Enchanter’s study and Warspear. These were not intented to be put on face, so it just really lets you know how little effort was put to make these.

I actually liked Rokhan, he had some nice moments, and I loved his one liner.It was good to see him take initative and act like Chieftain, but I agree that much more could’ve been done.

The new Loa are also underdelivered. Lukou is a frigging podling, and that made up new Loa, kevoya’ siti just isn’t as cool as the RPG Loas, like Dambala, Ogoun, Legba, Shango. Jani is likeable but I’d rather have something else.
And Lukou deserved better.

I also think much more could’ve been done to highlight the Darkspear cultural signicance and make them stand out from Zandalari.
Ironically Talanji and Prelate Rata were datamined, and they didn’t appear, so I believe it was intended to use them to highlight cultural differences.

That would make all giddy, but then I remember how Blizzard handles relationsips and how NPCs that are in Love act and it makes you all nauseous. I just cannot see Rokhan and Talanji act like Thalyssra and Theron, just no. But in BfA they had some hints thrown there, they were not in your face and I liked it. And I wish their relation continued to be like that, through small gestures, not any big declarations, the overal attitude one has for another, and whaetver happens they have each others back. I even have 4 page comic that tried to take this subject on, but it’s not finished and it looks like it won’t be.

I wanted some good looking kilt. Similar to what Vol’Jin wears on the loading screen. But to me mask is the most important, and if anything it’s the mask that needs to take a priority.

I couldn’t write it better.

Theyneed to hire people who care about the trolls. It’s not the first time when I felt that troll content was done by someone who doesn’t care, and just wants to be done with work assignment. :face_exhaling:


Great post, agreed the Quest line was half baked and so was the armor. Where the heck was Vol’Jin? Not even a mention of the guys name seriously? What comes next for the Darkspear? they gave us nothing to go off of.


Agreed they didn’t really touch on where the Darkspear are at as far as numbers, what they’ve been up to, and gave us pretty much nothing to work with as far as what to expect in the future. Not even talking briefly about Vol’Jin was a massive insult, they had to have known that’s what we as Darkspear player wanted an update on unless they’re completely clueless. Aside from that it was fun to do some Troll themed content for a change and I liked going back to Stranglethorn and fighting on top of the pillars, I like them working in Mue’zala and Bwonsamdi giving us an update on that situation. Didn’t care for how they stomped all over Lukous lore that was pretty not cool.

Shame there’s no way they’ll be going back and adding to or changing the quest chain, they only had 1 shot at that and they blew it. The armor set on the other hand is their 1 shot at redemption in my eyes.


I just left Echo Isles and was feeling like, “That’s it?”


I agree here. When we placed the 3rd totem on the altar I actually grinned thinking it was an effigy to Voljin as the new Loa of Kings, but instead it was Muezula (can’t remember how to spell) for arbitrary kill quests to be added.

And on top of that I Bwonsomdi referred to himself as the loa of Kings and I swear that Voljin was becoming the new Loa of Kings.

Regardless, he was criminally missing from the story line and having the 3rd loa be Jani felt wrong.

I enjoyed the overall story, reclaiming our original loa and reclaiming what it means to be Darkspear, but it definitely felt like something was missing.

I disagree on the armor though. I actually really like it, silly cloth aside, and it makes me wanna bring my troll dk out of retirement. Especially since I got a weapon with it too!

Hope we hear more from Voljin soon.


I think Talanji did make Bwosamdi the Loa of Kings, and that will be for now until Vol’jin is raised.

I hope they haven’t forgotten about him. They did all this stuff on Malfurion and Ysera and Vol’jin’s still in the pod four years later.

That’s probably true, I’m foggy on the events from BFA but that may have been what was covered in the book.

It just feels wrong. Bwonsomdi is not a 'kingly" character to me, or even a good “leader” example.

The heritage quest was a great opportunity to bring Voljin back in as the new Loa of Kings.

Well said, no notes.


I adored Curiosity. :robot::+1:

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We kinda did as a back piece but they actually took away the little masks, voodoo doll and potions making it more plain and boring than the original… should have been taller and more skulls like we’ve been wanting for years. It probably would have made a lousy face mask tbh. If you look at the Darkspear Flag it’s got the red mask with the whilte stripe down the middle, looks just like the Rush’kah they gave the WC3 shadow Hunter, that’s what the upper of this mask should have looked like, should have been a no brainer.


I wish we could have gotten a nice tall back piece with some skulls like all the cool ones from our actual heritage… the questline didn’t live up to expectations even though it was fun, I mostly just missed hanging out with the Darkspear and it was nice to have a reason to be around them again, the set is garbage


I thought it was great to be honest. Hanging with Jani is alway welcome. And I like our two new friends. I think the armor is fantastic aside from the masks. Trolls are obviously a tricky race to make head pieces for due to their prominent features. Which is why it’s so staggering that they went with a headpiece which covers the nose!

I’ve made a lot of noise about how they should have given us a simple cloth mask that hangs around the lower jaw, below the nose. But even the rush’kah masks could have been done better as an option. A lot of old concept art for Sen’jin had such a mask.

Or hell, the headpiece we got but without the trunk would probably look great.

Has there even been a heritage questline that people actually liked? Because so far “half baked” and “shallow” seem to be running patterns with these things.

What? You people expecting some sort of expansion level epic storyline for an armor transmog?

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The Draenei one is being praised everywhere. The orc one was also very well received.


I think that Forsaken also was nicely received.

and I see no reason why we shouldn’t expect good quality for racial content, Heritage armor was very anticipated event. And the way these projects were delivered was uneven.

Draenei questline is longer and more detailed.
I remember that for Darkspear questline Talanji and Prelate Rata were datamined as well as some farraki and forest trolls, and yet they didn’t make an appearance, which makes me believe that for trolls they cut corners, and questline was meant to contain much more.


I haven’t heard anyone complain about the gnome heritage. Probably helped as it was combat heavy or fewer people would play them. :telescope::robot:

Precisely, the effort put forward was clearly very lopsided.


That’s exactly how I felt, it really felt like there should have been more… idk maybe something about a certain dead leader who’s pending rebirth and the loa whose essence is now tied to him…