Darkspear Alliance Reconnections

Kris (Human Holy Paladin) - Valour
Played this character since vanilla. Been on Darkspear (from the beginning) and most of my time in wow. This server was really good times.

I remember hating getting paired up against Crown’s PvP premade group especially when you’re just pugging.

I did get to play with Infamous and I think Vae Victus? premades mostly because of my RL friend Grand Marshal Huntah. Was nice running around 5 capping AB.

Our guild Valour Cleared to twin emps in AQ40 and started Naxx before calling it quits before BC.

Looking forward to playing classic and recreating this character to start all over again lol.


Xlen reporting for duty!

NE druid from Icon, wasn’t really able to do the whole raid thing but I recognize a lot of names here and am glad to see them!

Hey Freko send me an in-game mail on Thrall, to the character Ophen, I’ll get you a discord invite.


KWEH! I have a whole bank full of roasted quail for you if you add me at Mahanaxar#1991


Howdy All! Gnomie here (not gnomie anymore) but glad to be back cant wait to see you all again in AQ40 and Naxx!!

Any old Vae Victis members in here? I played as a Druid named Blacksti back in the Classic days.

Hi all!

I played as Suzaku a Nelf Hunter who ran around in Cadia mostly right up until AQ… sadly I moved away and lost touch with most of Cadia, and then rolled Horde with some real life buddies where I moved to.

Hello old friends

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Sephs moved to China and I’m playing classic with Dervin


Hey All Twanos here.

Human Pally. I was an officer in Infamous from before they started raiding up thru Naxx. I’m real interested in getting together with some of the old guys.

Also, I’m specifically looking for an old friend who was a Warlock called Dingledork.

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Filthy Talls

-Tinka/Biter of the Merciless Midgets


Yeah we’re still around. We moved from Darkspear to Lightninghoof and then this expansion moved over to Sargeras. We have some of the original people still kickin.

Dervin - i havnt spoken to him in years. :o ask him if he remembers ol Pooga.

Pooga the trade chat troll

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Dmbwarren and Darkfrost still with y’all?

Yeh I know Sephs is in China but never got Dervins contact info. Are y’all going Alliance?

I used to have a lot of people on Real ID but was hacked and lost removed.

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Hopefully its been long enough for Teddycomrad to come back to the forums. Hello everyone!

Going horde this time

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All Hail Fuhrer Healem


Aggaloch is going to pee his pants, good to see Cadia still lives.

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Well it’s important that we coordinate, just like we always didn’t.

million honor man checking in.

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