I don’t know that the world can handle another House of Widsom
Im Drazzid, Former of LOKI, and then i forget where i ended up by BC. Some may remember me as one of those alliance rogues who made horde not want to travel black rock mountain alone. Does Pizbo exist? if so sup.
Sparkorama here! Human Mage. I can’t remember the guild name I used to be in, although if I heard it, I’d probably recall. I used to play with Janta, Azkaban, Neregal, Nachaszt (I’m sure I butchered that name.)
Hey shin here former (Infamous) nightelf hunter
Chatnoir/Little Dipper! Can we make a thread about who we don’t want to come back? Flag and Redwingsrock.
MM>all, or is this the wrong faction? I paid for two accounts.
Is this your house of wisdom?
U wish! lol good 2 c u
DARBY what up my dude, Ashkevron here. I remember you!
Freko here!
I was in Icon and Vae Victis ! miss you peeps!
Freko! Long time, why haven’t you popped into Icon Discord?
I don’t think i have it, we were probably using vent last time i was playing with icon haha
Furior, Night Elf, Warrior
Fuegan, Night Elf, Druid
My two main toons throughout vanilla. I mostly raided during Oceanic hours and was with a few different guilds but the only one I remember the name correctly is Order of Royal Blood.
Hi guys, I don’t remember what guild I was in way back when.
I started playing as a transplant from a rainbow six game. We ran a clan OL
We all rerolled darkspear together. Holy sh that was fun times.
My toons:
Mage: Apokolypse Human. Male.
Druid: Auriiana Nelf. Female
Hunter: Sikk Dwarf. Male. (sorry horde) reach out to me if we used to grief each other. id love to share stories with you, and perhaps put water under the bridge. <3 Long life SS vs TM.
Paladin: Zelrach. Human. Male.
Rogue: Inviisa. Human. Female. (sorry again)
Priest: Viisiion. Dwarf. Male. To the guild I rerolled this for (MC) and (Ony [Fear-ward]) I’d love to hear from you.
I think there was a guild named Vae Victus. or some other big named guild (the one with Cinelli in it (the rogue with both warglaives in BC) used to have a warlock in it named Ohaus. A good friend that lost his life to cancer back in Cata days. Sad story. He loved you all and is still gaming with you guys from heaven.
Im looking for a few friends we rerolled with. OL crew. Bilkenblott gnome rogue. Phreeza Human mage. Our Nelf Priest, that used to talk all that shh. in TeamSpeak drunk. Gunny. on his hunter (Ive found him). and a few others ill prob remember once I post this.
If you remember any of these toons, reach out! We run an active guild on Stormrage now. PVE focused, alliance. thanks for the read.
Satsukii!!! Zarenna (Dwarf Priest) from Ruin Darkspear days here. Those were some great times!
Ruin is on Stormrage now… and you probably can find most of the same people from back then as well… Agrevail is still the GM as well…
you gave me my first DM run back in the day on my hunter Ling
Yep. A lot of them are still around and even Min / Lue, plus a few others still drop in to say hello. Though they can’t invest the time to play. Even some of us BC noobs that joined are still kicking (NoXus)
Wanted to say hello to all the people I use to play with. Scarlet Army / Embrace the End / Modern day Soldiers. Plus MM for making me Laugh. Agny / Vanberge here.
I still talk to Iolo once in a while and he says Tiger is still on.
Hallowed here. I was Strongbow with Cadence, the eternal AA farm guild where you hoped to get drafted by the majors one day.