Darkspear Alliance Reconnections

Ignominae / Llilly! Playing on Classic TBC Ashkandi as Dieanne, miss you guys!

Dezlirn of Dara Mactire looking for old firends from the cata mop era.

Just saw this! I played twinks with you I think. 19, 29 and 39 paladin named sukie. Was in the alliance mafia guild.

Bluebeard! Ig!..OK i dont know if you remember me BUT!

Amoondore NE Druid! Had a Ret Pally friend named drakkus, we joined did MC/Ony with you guys.

One story that i know you guys will remember is, we were in MC and right before Garr we started wiping on trash and I went bear form and started tanking. (this was before you could be duel spec) we saved the wipe and it was glorious, except for Sylabear? screaming at me because I out tanked her warrior Boyfriend. Then i was demoted to group 8 healer because i was full resto build :frowning: defiantly miss you all