Darkspear Alliance Reconnections

Strider/Temeculah from Ruin and End Result.

Nod to Min, PDB and others.

Where’s Jozan so he can fall asleep and wipe us in MC again?

Just spoke to him via Bnet on my cell phone while at work. Trying to talk him into coming to Atiesh with the rest of Icon. I sent him the link to your shout out.

Best of luck.

Sinfonian from Vox Radix, still rocking the original guild tag. So glad to see so many people checking in from forever ago! Fiodago, Phane, Amiras, Halins, I’m particularly happy to hear from you guys!

Currently playing Alliance on Atiesh.


Halinsback!! So nice to hear from you, hope you’re doing well :slight_smile:

FIO! Hi! Honestly I regret not naming my priest Fiodaga now in your honor.

Ritz, if you’re still around, we just started playing on Benediction. The three of us were one hell of a team back then, it would be fun to relive a little bit of that one more time.

Good ol’ Luft/Luftwaffe here. Just wondering who all that knew me is on classic and if so is anyone on Smolderweb?

Little late, but Entice here! Tanked for a while with Enlightened.

Just saw this, and while it’s likely no help, I do know Dingledork was still on Darkspear at the start of Wrath.

I was a NE Druid named Comentor and knew him in Vanilla from a leveling guild named Krona

Name: Harryp
Race: MASTER RACE - Gnome
Class: Mage
Guild: Cadia

end result
any one still around?

This is Adesay, female Human priest formerly of LOKI and Invictus Andreia. I also ran a twink guild, The Management, for a long time. My twinks were Adesam, 19 rogue, Adeslam, 29 and eventually 59 warrior, and Adeslay, 39 warrior.

I am on Smolderweb Alliance as a Warrior named Avram now. Please HMU! LOKI has reformed on Smolderweb apparently. I’d love to hear from any of my old twink friends.

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I was MM as well… Slaughterem Gnome Rouge … death to the talls!!! even though now I play one. ahah

what up dude! Slaughterem here! MM!

Slaughterem of the infamous MM. Hail Healem ! ( im a filthy tall now… but I have an MM in my pants. )

The Famous, Flag Troll Rogue on Darkspear.

Eep. Gnome rogue,

Sliptide Sentinels, and Ruin.

So much nostalgia seeing a lot of these names. I miss annoying you guys. A lot of people from vanilla DS helped me through some not great times, covid hasn’t been amazing for me and this thread has helped a little. Thanks guys.

P.s… Phane smells

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I know this is late and all…

But holy crap seeing names I remember is so trippy.

I was Erimus the human rogue back during these times.


I was in a guild with you once upon a time. I cannot fully recall the name. I have an odd memory of being upset at your mount for being faster than mine and you went on a talk about drawing lines and horse racing I believe!

Wish I had found this thread much sooner, sucks its dead now.

Lots of names in here I remember. I played a Nightelf Hunter named Nitebreed, and then a Human Priest named Juggalette. In guilds SiD, Shining in Darkness, Steel Legion, and created Stoic later on. Oh, and had a guild called The Force early early.