I’ve reloaded, visited 3x, and disabled addons… quest givers for professions are not showing up.
You need to have 75 vanilla skill for the quests to be offered.
It is bugged. I have max level skinning and can’t get the quest. Always could before.
Thank you … good to know. I boosted this toon… didn’t even think about it!
Since they uncoupled expansion professions from vanilla profession, and changed the profession skill points to go to the new BfA professions, Blizzard should remove the vanilla skill requirement.
Yeah I imagine it is an iterative process to get to a situation everyone is OK with.
They can’t just make it available at 1 skill. And it would be useless if it needed 75 skill in your highest tier since some tiers only go to 75. Maybe 75 total skill points across all tiers would be good enough. It is a bit easier than 75 in one tier, and would also be even less intuitive to explain to people. Or they could just leave it how it has been since the Faire went in, which I would expect to be what happens for a good while.
Same here. Mining, cooking and fishing professions I have were available, but no skinning. I’m also at max Kul Tiran level and this a month later.
This is still an issue.
There’s information in the thread that points out what changed with BFA. So what’s been said thus far is not a bug, but initially a misunderstading.
Regardless of what one’s Kul Tiran/Zandalar profession level is, even if they are maxed out, in order to have the DMF quests available, a character must have a minimum of 75 points in the vanilla bracket. Points in any of the other brackets (BC, Cata, BFA, etc) don’t have any influence on it.
I am having this issue, I’ve just arrived at Darkmoon Faire and none of the Profession Quests are available/showing up. I’ve turned on show trivial quests, nothing. I have max level points in the vanilla brackets of each profession. I am playing as a Night Elf Druid who has never had any race change.
Just for the sake of completeness, I have to ask.
Did you do the Faire quests earlier in the week and forget? I run that risk all the time, so much so that I installed an addon that remembers lockouts and events for me.
If your mind is still young and fresh, please disregard.
Thanks but I know its not a bug. Its still an issue though because its quite clearly neglected. Shouldn’t need 75 points in a 15 year old profession rank. It was overlooked after they awfully separated all the profession levels. Blizzard always hitting on all levels of awesomeness.

Its still an issue though because its quite clearly neglected. Shouldn’t need 75 points in a 15 year old profession rank. It was overlooked after they awfully separated all the profession levels.
In this case, you’re proving more feedback than a bug report. If you want it seen by the development teams (those who consider suggestions/feedback), you want to post this the General Discussion forum. Alternatively, you can use the in-game suggestion tool for anything that isn’t too long (there’s a character limit).
The Bug Report forum is simply a repository for bug reports. Nothing in it is passed on to the development teams, hence, any suggestions/feedback left here is lost to the ether.
You need to have 75 vanilla skill for the quests to be offered.
That’s not true, my character has maxed leveled most professions and the only ones not are just Legion and Kul’Tiras and of those they are passed the 75 level and only one quest popped up for me was tailoring and I’ve completely maxed out tailoring.
A year later, this is happening again. I had an outstanding “Test Your Strength” quest which I was able to turn in, but none of the usual profession quests are available.
only the Professional quest I didn’t do last month is available,
same, I thought it was just a weird mechanic at first and brought my Demon Hunter with maxed our leather working to test it out, but even he could still do the profession quests, but my Death knight for some odd reason cant do fishing, cooking , or blacksmithing.
Having this issue January 31st, 2021, Shadowlands. Level 60 character, not offered Profession Quests or Test Your Strength quests - it appears the monthly quests didn’t reset.
One theory - this is the last day of January, meaning the Faire started a day before the “new month,” so maybe whatever internal timer sees that as already completed this month? If that’s the case, perhaps they’ll be offered when quests reset tomorrow?
Other relevant data: Max level professions, offered quests last month and completed them all.
Hopefully it fixes itself, or gets fixed soon. This is a frustrating bug for anyone farming darkmoon faire tickets, or looking for the professional skill boost.
Totally frustrating. The least blizzard should do, is to have the quest giver give a reason why you can’t do their quest. Example: You already did it. Your skill is not high enough. Anything is better than nothing!
Just thinking it might have something to do with the DMF starting on Jan 31st instead of in February.