I’m thinking this is currently the case as for most of my active toons, none of the prof quests are available at the new fair (Jan 30th-31st). On all my characters that did the prof quests in the earlier january DMF, none have them available today…
Yet, the one I had missed last month (archeology) is available on the toons I skipped that one on. Seems any I had completed earlier this month during the last fair are not reset. Other toons i didn’t log on at all for the last fair have all prof quests available.
Will be checking back tomorrow (feb 1) to see if they reset for the new month, as that is the only thing that would make sense… I’ll come back and report what resets or doesnt on the technical “next month” date (feb 1).
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Most likely this. Its amazing how nobody can figure this out. It will probably be available tomorrow.
Its Sunday, so Blizzard wont fix it no matter what today. Just wait.
If this is really a “last day of January and not first day of February” bug…. Clearly the correct algorithm is used to set the week of the Faire dates properly. They should just be using that exact same logic for resetting the monthly quests. This should NOT be an issue!
“Its amazing how nobody can figure this out.”
The person you quoted mentioned it, and at the same time I was playing musical toons and figuring this out myself.
Not everyone has half a dozen toons and an hour to waste logging on them all just to check in order to see the patterns that reinforce the possibility that its not “New Fair” gated quests, but literally time gated… On top of that its a thread with multiple people having multiple issues, all a result of different situations. Some need Vanilla skill points, some actual bugs, and some just not reset…
I went to DMF went it opened last night on 1 toon, when I noticed the monthly quests reset, I figured its probably cuz its on a monthly reset and this is a rare time where DMF starts twice in the same month.
Everybody else thought “wtf its bugged, omg blizzard fix it”
Not every lives in WOW and “knows” there is a “rare” occurrence of a new fair starting in an old month. Most people assume hey new fair, new quests… That is a logical and normal assumption. I have been playing on and off since the games release, and I never cared or payed attention enough to even notice how often the fair is around.
Nothing amazing about this.
I also don’t really see anyone complaining as you described, unless you are counting half a year old posts related to people having as I mentioned before separate issues.
Instead I see a handful of people just spitballing and discussing possible causes or related variables…
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I have the same problem - only one that was available was the archaeology quest. None of my profession quests such as fishing, cooking etc are available.
Yes, this is bugged. I have more than 75 points in all vanilla skills, and normally do all profession quests every DMF, and they are not showing up today. There was already one DMF in January, so perhaps this is due to that. Hopefully these will be available tomorrow (Feb. 1st).
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Did DMF prof quests on 2 toons just fine. 3rd one (who has done DMF in the past just fine) no enchanting or jewelrycrafting quests to be seen.
I came here to report a bug. I came here to put in a ticket actually. And all I am offered is a forum post? I don’t even want to go into all the same stuff as everyone else has posted if this is a forum where we ‘are kind’ to each other and nothing gets done. Wtf Blizz? No actual Support for your product anymore?
pretty hard to give support, when you’ve given no information about your issue.
whatever your issue is, clearly isn’t related to the issue with profession quests not being available during February… which means it’s a new and unrelated issue.