Darkmoon card Decay - ninja nerfed?

Sure you can, they have done things like that before in order to cap an items effectiveness without rendering it worthless. For example, you could just make sandstorm have a significantly increased resist on the 63 elites you will see for MC bosses but let it still be effective against 60s for when you farm in open world or dungeons, same concept could be used for decay card. Would cause players to go find new bis options, while still getting some use out of what they have currently until then.

There are always options besides just destroy it

Deviate Delight server is that way.

This is SoD.

What ever happened to the Heroism and Maelstrom cards, etc. that were geared for level 60?

They did do their research. That trinket was BiS because nothing was added to replace it. THEN it got nerfed.

There’s a lot of trinkets to replace it.

Are you even playing the game?

None of them were better than Decay though. So why would you have replaced it pre-nerf?

Have you ever heard of power creep?

Look it up.

Obviously they aren’t going to add something better than that broken trinket.

Read a book.

this is almost categorically untrue, they’ve gone back and upgraded/added strong items to the game on old bosses to keep them relevant. Also speaking of pvp items, most of the strongest pvp items in game have either no level requirement, or are very low level requirement.

alot of the items in MC for instance are better than any options from BWL or AQ. HoJ/diamond flask are level 50 trinkets given in a normal dungeon and a quest, those are bis for the entire game until naxx.

you are entirely wrong about this point, in future expansions you’re correct, but in classic, no.


Valid points. I dont really get why everyone is trying to pretend like the countless examples of raiders using items for literally years and multiple phases is somehow not real

But this isn’t classic. It’s season of discovery.

not bis, but prebis.
and because its kinda a **** to farm.

Completely understandable and it was godly for p3, but it wouldnt make sense to make it just as powerful moving into p4 with a lvl increase.

It makes even less sense to stealth nerf it instead of just making a better option for p4.