Darkmoon card Decay - ninja nerfed?

Why would a lvl50 item be bis going into 60?

go back to ERA and ask all that use edgemasters end game

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as an open alpha, it requires far too many changes at far too fast a pace to expect documentation for each one :expressionless:

That is fanboy nonsense, absolutely nothing hard about having someone track balance changes and putting it in writing theyā€™ve done it for yearsā€¦

Arenā€™t we talking about SOD and NOT ERA? pretty sure edgemasters are useless in SOD while the op mentioned something about a trinket thatā€™s only in SOD :person_shrugging:. This isnā€™t era bro

Yes, based on the information we have about the item. The price is high because the item works a certain way, so the demand creates value for it. When the reason for th demand gets changed without the playerā€™s knowledge thatā€™s a SERIOUS issue.

It would be a little different if they suddenly added in a new item that was similar to another boe, and that devalued the boe. Itā€™s another for the item you have currently to completely stop working as it did, because now the issue isnā€™t the value loss, itā€™s the item loss.

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This. My exact point to all of the trolls was that they could have very easily given BETTER trinkets instead of just ruining the existing one. There are VERY FEW examples of blizz just completely nerfing an item after an entire phase of deeming it just fine. Its not like it was being abused or exploited either, if that was the case, everyone would probably understand.

They just decided to change their mind a week and a half into the phase when many people invested in the trinket as there wasnt any better trinkets released for p4 and the dark moon cards were not listed as being changed. Absolutely jabaited people for no reason

People that disagree with you are trolls?


How are people ā€œjebaitedā€ when they are trinkets from the previous phase? You came into a new phase with new raids, world bosses, dungeons, and you thought that the item you should focus on is a trinket from last phase?

I mean, where is the jebait? It just sounds like you didnā€™t do enough research and jumped the gun on a trinket too early.

Snooze you lose bucko.

Well, my point isnā€™t that you canā€™t nerf things, but that doing so without making it known to the players is a problem. patch notes are important.

That said, there are plenty of reasons to nerf things later when they werenā€™t technically a problem before. I constantly feel like the previous phase set items and trinkets are just better than current phase options which is definitely a problem. You donā€™t want there to be no real progression to be had.

Like, I have little to no upgrades for a 2-h weapon right now outside extremely rare or expensive options which just feels bad considering I got it easily from simple event currency. Having the sword in Demonsfall be my only meaningful upgrade with a 2% drop chance is a sick jokeā€¦ And overbuffing all items creates too large a powercreep too.

They have kinda locked themselves in a design corner.

Your problem is youā€™re talking about pre bis.

You have ā€œlittle to no upgrades for pre bis.ā€

But your BIS you have upgrades in every slot, which is what really matters. The actual end game gear is worth chasing, so who cares about prebis.

That doesnā€™t change the impact of what I am talking about. Thereā€™s a whole two week phase of hunting for gear before the raid even comes out. That still matters.

And no, I am not just talking about pre-bis only. The shield block value proc on the prot set and the bonus attack proc on the offensive plat sets are still showing consider competition even with raid loot.

Iā€™m sorry that you donā€™t understand my point.

Yes Blizzard stealth nerfs things all the time. Blizzard probably just using the money people lost due to stealth nerfs as another gold sink.

Damn im really sorry to hear about you hunters and rogues getting a trinket nerf. That must suck :smile_cat: Now you guys will go from 3k dps to 2.8kdps! The horror :scream:

anyone defending this kind of thing lack braincellsā€¦itā€™s not about the change, itā€™s about giving zero warning. Itā€™s that if something is good, and expensiveā€¦people will buy it. If you randomly change the item with no warning then people will lose that gold.

They could simply make a post explaining the change and then do it. Hell they warned people before they changed the incursion gold farm exploit at the start of phase 2.

Its wrong but this business tactic has been going on with Blizzard since the very beginning. Stealth nerfs arenā€™t something new and is something players have been calling Blizzard out of for many years now which they have never been held accountable for and never will.

do you realize how absurd some of the trinkets would be if they had to make ones that are better than a sandstorm whirling around you for X amount of dmg?


ā€œdonā€™t nerf my thing, buff everything elseā€ is never a good idea :expressionless:

You do realize thats what happens every phase in the history of the game right? Blizzard releases more powerful gear the next phaseā€¦

They dont go in and nerf all of your ST gear, they just release better gear. If they didntā€¦ people wouldnt be running the new raids.

I def agree it shouldnt be BIS anymore. But it should be worthless either

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Actually that is always a good idea

as dumb as it is that they changed it mid-game (it should never have been added at all), the truth is it was absurdly OP :expressionless: