Darkmoon card Decay - ninja nerfed?

Has Darkmoon Card Decay randomly been nerfed from .3 seconds to 3 seconds (rendering it totally useless and a complete waste of all of the gold people spent on it)?

It seems insane that this decision would be made AFTER phase starts when many people saw the new gear and could tell that this trinket would still be very good, so they invested their gold on it. Why would you then pull a bate and switch and ninja nerf it after phase?


Ya know I don’t have one but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was. After all it is a good item for hunters.

well, it was pretty much BIS for all melee… which is why we all spent a lot of gold to acquire it

classic not even communicating

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where’d you get this information?

Blizzard is notorious for stealth nerfing various things in retail for over a decade now, especially for PvP. I wouldn’t put it past them that they did for this too.

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rumors started floating on discord and now it hits like a wet noodle

Trinket as been rendered worthless. More unacceptable development practices by Blizzard. Wasting as much of their customer’s time and effort as possible.

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yeah blizz… this ninja nerfing crap gotta stop… specially when its a rather costly item to obtain!!! devs should be disgusted with themselves


i almost grabbed that yesterday, glad i didnt

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I grabbed this earlier today… so now I’m just out 450g because blizzard is to incompetent to post a patch note…


so many better ways to execute this and not screw people out of gold… when they know how much this trinket cost players.

  1. Make stronger trinkets in phase 4, so decay is no longer bis but at least we can use the thing and we didnt totally waste our money
  2. Tell us before the phase that its going to be changed - not ideal but at least we know… as opposed to finding out when everyone is knee deep in other quest lines and farms

Its not as if its a trinket we got to drop… many players invested 1-2k gold just to get it and its completely worthless now

SoD is an open alpha test :expressionless: simple as

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well you know us the players set the price for these items. so if you paid out the butt thats on you. its not like blizzard had it on a vendor for 5k

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That can explain the change, not the lack of patch notes.

Pretty short sided way of looking at it there bud.

an item that can only be formed by 7 random world drops in the max level dungeons at the time is very much blizzard setting the expected value high. If they wanted it to be cheap, it would just drop off of 1 set boss and be easy to get

also, why would you think trinkets at lvl 50 wouldnt be good at max level? knowing blizzard in the past they have always made the next tier worth of gear better than the previous, and by nerfing them if needed. So its very dumb to spend alot of gold on gear at lvl 50 knowing its going to be obsolete sometime at level 60?

I don’t care about the change as much as not posting big changes like this in patch notes.


valid point

tell that to all the dps that wear edgemasters endgame
but prolly won’t be a thing in SOD… maybe

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