Darker more mature tones

My apologies, I was entertained but probably nobody else. I’ll stop and let the thread continue as normal.

lol that definitely is true. just as true as it was the first time you claimed you were leaving. but your insecurity and love of feeling persecuted will prolly compel you to post again. and if you don’t, well, the entire thread gets better. it’s a win either way

Kind of feel like wow has the same problem. I Still find the energy the horde had in warcraft 1+2 better then three and into wow.


So evil, you miss the evil horde.

I really do… it wasn’t till the remake I noticed they retconed orcs summoning demons of hell to fight into the burning legion.

I honestly thought it was always the burning legion but I started at 3.

It was the burning legion. The difference is the legion manipulated the orcs in 1 and 2. Or let us be more real, it was Gul’dan and Ner’zhul forming a secret cabal to form a horde to take over the planet and use their own people for fuel for power.

Orcs were the race that has been manipulated for a long time until Thrall.

Of course the horde back then was just orcs. Never what wow was.

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Nah that is the retcon. It was just demons from hell in w1.

Im not against the retcon don’t get me wrong it is a far better plot but the goofy over the top evil was fun.

Where? Literally what the actual hell are you people even talking about with this? FFS



Comments are great on that!

“wow that somehow made shadowland ending look good”

Did we not JUST have a raid set in a bleak underground zone filled with creepy cannibalistic spider mutants that’s also being taken over by some weird Twilight Zone dimension because it’s full of C’thun’s blood? Yeah, maybe they could have made The Vizier and Anub’arash less of comic relief characters, but I guess they had to do something to make it not Maw 3.0


You made a good point, it’s supposed to be a dark and creepy raid.

I think because our character is teamed up and working with Nerubians for renown, they feel a lot less threatening.

I don’t remember being chummy and friendly with the legion or old gods for rep rewards.

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Then play something else.
Seriously if you cant handle one raid cutscene and that’s your breaking point i dono what to tell you.

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Why do people get so defensive over criticism of something they have no involvement in creating? Is your personal self worth really so tied into a video game you play?

Disagree with me, fine - but the rush to say ‘JUST PLAY SOMETHING ELSE’ is wild. It’s ok to criticize things.

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Why you so mad? You asked for an example.

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Its advice, not a attack. Take it or leave it, I dont care. If your not having fun I dont know what to tell you.



Poor advice.

If you enjoy something and want it to be better you should feel free to criticize it and to reject your apparent first impulse: running away.

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Well you gave a poor example.


The dwarf who basically got mentally ill and committed suicide seems dark and mature. His stone corpse is still on the beach if you want to look at it.

There are dark & mature themes all over the place and some of them are cartoony but still make a person with empathy think.

lmao these dummies will tell you “i want grittier raids like we used to have” but iirc mr bigglesworth is as old as classic.

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