Darker more mature tones

They are still rehashing themes, really take a look at what they put out. WoW’s overall themes have a lot of room to explore those darker themes with in them but for some reason they never flesh those parts out. Instead they gloss over them with leaves the story feeling shallow and the characters weak.

Who knows maybe it is a ploy to get people to play Diablo for their “mature” tones fix.


Black though it may be, I prefer to keep my soul.

Being soulless has never bothered red heads so I think you would be fine.

obligatory this is just a joke

wouldn’t surprise me tho this has always been the way with blizz franchises. wow has never been a gritty and grim fantasy environment.

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Nerubians WC3, murderous plague of Northrend.

Nerubians TWW, oppressed and in thier feefees.

Good luck.


Souless Gingers are no joke.

Did you not understand the story? The whole point is they lost their power and in trying to get back to WC3 greatness they sold their souls. Oppressing the very people they were supposed to protect. That is a pretty mature tone unless what you are looking for it violence. Don’t call violence or a murderous plague at mature tone because it is not. We only label as mature because one must “think of the children”.


don’t waste your time. this dude is a lost cause.

In 2020 a wow developer was playing the game with their kid and didn’t like Garrosh using the B word. So they took it out, and jokes, and paintings, and emotes, and quests, etc.

Game is designed for kids now, and it’s obvious to everyone over 10 years old.


yeah wow was never marketed to minors lmfao. please.

Hm, I dunno about that. It’s T for Teen and at least in the US 13 to 17 are considered minors…so…


It is a game, it was always designed for kids. Our old butts just still play it. Garrosh saying that was so out of place in WoW. One thing if WoW always used language like that but that just fell flat. Much like using Thrall’s balls as an expression.

As for the other stuff that was Blizzard trying to deflect from the sexual harassments lawsuit. How can you ask for more mature tones but not understand that simple chain of events. If only can reason like a kid then the game is perfect for you now since it is designed for kids.

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How did you know my two favorite lines in WoW?!

How do you post pictures in this thread?!

Gotta grind that forum rep, bro

What do you mean “FORUM REP” this isn’t WoW game. .it’s a forum.

You would think…

Start pumping them numbers!


I wonder what that meeting was like and who was thinking about Thrall’s balls so much. So many questions that I really don’t want the answer to but feel compelled to ask.

…well to be fair, they were indeed everywhere at the time.

I’ve never seen someone contradict themselves so often so quickly. Game went from TWW being mature, to “always” for kids, to censored for lawsuit reasons.

Typical gaslighter.