Dark times for warriors

I think what gets lost in translation from me is that I understand the breadcrumbs that lead from raid logs to the casual Fury being denied entry into m0. I understand drawing a causal link between them, but:

  1. I don’t think Blizz can or should balance around the pug meta. It’s too extreme of an environment.
  2. If that Fury War gets into m0, and knows how to press his buttons, he’ll pop the content easily.

I guess my question is, when would you personally call a spec “balanced”? What are the criteria? Not when a class isn’t balanced (ie when it’s sitting at/near the bottom of log aggregates), but when you’d feel comfortable.

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Did I miss something? I thought I heard they nerfed the crap out off secondary stats this xpac? Is that not true?

The combat between 2 opinions on warrior continue

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With all this said though, fury outta all the classes is doing the worst, they are just really really bad, beyond normal bad. Arms is ok, but fury legit does need some love. just a bit.

aff lock is balanced. They got great multi cleave, decent single target, but almost no burst, mild/medium utility.

Fury has decent multi cleave, no single target, and its historically good burst is weak right now, mild utility

I was hoping for some %s around where it needs to show up in various fights based on how well the fight plays to its strengths, but am I correct in that you think Fury would be balanced if it had:

Great: Burst
Decent: Multicleave
Mild/Medium: Utility
Almost No: Single Target

Based on your post it sounds like we’re just mixing and matching those two pairs of 4 things. I don’t really see how that helps Fury though in raids if Blizz favors fights that don’t cater to the spec’s strengths.

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I wouldn’t mind getting dumpsters in ST if on the multi cleave fights I could have a chance to top meters.

Sun king is a good fight for fury, but were still greatly under performing

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2200 warriors are just sitting back, smiling, hoping Blizz will listen to this guy.

I hate doing this to. But did you really link a log from a 10 key and claim top dmg against a priest and rogue that parse green/ blue in normal CN as evidence of anything relevant?

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You’ve said this what, six times now?

And you’ve yet to back the statement once.

Arms, prot.

Except for literally every expansion, but sure.


Is not.

A thing.

That is arms, and it’s not unique to arms.

No, it does not.

This literally has not happened in over ten years.

Every tank struggles with magical damage.

The literal only fight with an abnormally high percentage of magic damage for the tank profile is lady darkvein.

Yeah, they’re very solid players who I’ve played with for over a decade (I lived with two of them in an apartment for a year in college, when TBC came out. Really good times). Three of us are fathers, so we aren’t in a raid guild. We just meet up for M+ once or twice a week. When raids release we pug what we need/can, but we’re in trash pugs, so I don’t know what kind of parses you expect vs real guilds steamrolling content.

If you want to pick apart their damage breakdown/gear/talent selection, I know at least the spriest is still working out the optimal build for our group comp. Like I said, it’s tough being a DoT class on packs that die incredibly quickly.

Context also matters here. If they’re that bad, and War is that bad, and we still finished +2 on a 10-key, why do so many people who are just doing 5-8 keys and barely dipping into Heroic raids complaining about their class so hard?


Dude your need to make your opinion known on every post made by someone else is toxic. I have like 12posts made and i wish you would chill and give other people the opportunity to be heard without baseless attacks by you. Seriously ima submit a ticket on this one, its not right. I come to the warrior forums to read what others are trying to covey and youre riddled everywhere quoting and tearing through your same baseless optinions.

Your opinion is heard, you should try actually reading what people are saying and think about why youre arguing with everyone. Last piece of energy i have to you and congratulations youve wasted my time here.


Based on aggregate data we are still below average.

We beat fury so thats cool i guess

Classic arms cleave fight.

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/26/#boss=2383 Hungering
arms slightly ahead of last

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/26/#boss=2402 Sun king
arms lower mid pack

arms almost last

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/26/#boss=2406 inerva
lower mid pack

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/26/#boss=2412 Council
dead last

Unless you are looking at huntsman where we can literally attack 2 mobs for 66% of the fight. In all other cases warriors are performing well below average.

No one should be saying warriors don’t need help. That hasn’t been contested. The contention is that despite the state of warrior, most people are under performing due to mechanical skill rather than the inherent weakness of the class.

Warrior need help, but stop pretending that it’s only a numbers thing. Player skill comes into play regarding dps ranking for 90%of the player base.

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yes my multiple 95+ parses that dont put me in the top 5 dps in my raid are mechanical issues. In some of those, i struggle to get top 10 with a 90+ parse.


What position would you be happy with

Derez not trolling, but he is actually not.

He believes arms is a strong mid pack dps. Which is clearly wrong.

Saying its a skill issue is wrong.

Your vendetta against derez doesn’t interest me. What position In raid in your supposed near perfect performance would you consider to be good enough to be content.


Being relevant in the dps meter for more than 1/10 Bosses?

I would be cool with 5/10?

You aren’t answering my question.

Your contention is that you aren’t doing enough damage in relation to your raid.

For others their failings are more likely their own skill.

Warriors need help, no one is contending that. But a players failing is not solely because of the lack of balance for a warrior.

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