Dark times for warriors

I never said a Fury Warrior can’t push a 16 or 17 key. Sure they can. I can grab 4 guildees and go and try to knock it out right meow. But I won’t. SO MUCH EASIER to due it with my Rogue or DH.

Also aint nobody trying to invite a Warrior, ESP a fury Warrior to any key, ESP a key higher then a +7, not if you understand the game and what is available to you.

I’m sure we’ll see a Fury buff next tuning phase. I’m also pretty confident we’ll see a couple of those top end classes get some nerfs. Be it via legendary nerf or class nerf, not sure. Heck, I wouldn’t mind seeing some of our legendary memories buffed.

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Yeah legendaries as a whole i wish i had more options id feel comfortable to mess with. Its funny a lot of em sound great on paper but from what ive read its fewer than expected

I hope you are right but I will not hold my breathe.

Blizzard has a track record, esp recently, of either not making the right changes, or taking to long to make them or just simply ignoring it all together when it comes to tuning and balancing of items/classes/talents&powers.


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I was really hopeful when I first saw the name of the Battle lord memory. Thought it might be something like the old Colossal Smash reset trait. They did have a lot of potential, but just the scale at which they have to balance is pretty Herculean. Honestly surprised they did as well as they have with the Covenants. Necrolord aside that is.

Yeah, the borrowed power thing is always a conundrum. It’s really hard to get “X” balanced when you have an exponential factor to deal with. That’s why we saw Azerite traits that were just hot trash, and others that were just a must have. Part of the reason I was both happy and skeptical about the legendary system coming back. Still, numbers aside, I am still enjoying Shadowlands better than BFA.

A; people have been bringing more than one to raid.
B; Why would you not invite a warrior.

Except dk.

Saying warrior does not offer good utility is just flatly wrong. Seemingly intentionally so.

Sure I would. If the warrior is better than the alternatives, or I know the bloke, why would I not.

And yet fury has timed far above a 7.


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I’ve been playing on and off since 2005 and I must say this is the worst warriors have ever been. Since I started my warrior in 2006 he has been my main and at this point I think it may be time to find a new main. It just keeps getting worse and worse every expansion. Sorry didn’t realize I was logged in as my alt rogue.

This is surely a jest.

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People discussing the state of their class is not “crying.”

The feedback is useful.

TBC launch where Warriors couldn’t generate rage was probably the worst Warriors have ever been.

lol, I remember that. Tanks just sitting there getting beat on for a sliver of rage.


Ha!! Shadee linked me that last night 9:36 is me every raid night with the guild. I’m grateful my guildies put up with my shenanigans .

Anyway, tell em Asmond!!

um woops explicit content warning?? Am i allowed to link this?

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It should be fine linking this in here Blike

Hahahahah tell em Asmond!