Anyone reading this - check your DT rep - you might be affected and have not realized it.
When 10.1.5 hit, many people had their Dark Talon rep reset, losing months of steady progress.
Rep is a long grind, and unlike an item you can restore, in this case, it isn’t so easily restored it seems. Except… I’ve had it restored once already after a botched faction change KNOWN ISSUE meaning Dev can see the rep you had. So I absolutely know Dev/GM’s can restore reputation they can see was lost. I was revered before, then neutral, then revered when a GM fixed, now neutral again.
Explain that.
This time though… despite it being a known issue for almost a month, Blizz isn’t helping on a case-by-case basis despite having the tools to do so. And it’s frustrating as we’ve paid, on-time, our sub fees, but lost PROGRESS we paid to earn. This should not be marginalized. Progress is why we play and pay. I have not quested ONCE (aside from racing for drake manu’s) since I lost my Revered DT rep status. This is not right.
Search forums on Dark Talon - there’s enough to be upset about.
This is a bug, that cost months of our paid time (can I defer payment until fixed? No? Is that fair?). Address accordingly and promptly please.
And again, to others who read this, check your DT rep. Many are realizing this weeks after it was reset as many never Exalted it once FR went silent.
[EDIT] Also - there’s a thread of Known Issues pinned by Blizz, but this isn’t within it. Except… if you search support WITHIN game, its the first return. Why isn’t it acknowledged here? Doesn’t make those affected feel heard - and once again - MONTHS of time, LOST. Not acceptable in an MMO.