Dark ranger hero class?

I think that now that we have male and female models of horde elves and alliance as a dark ranger they could be a class like demon hunter!
alliance dark ranger
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I would love another physical range class but not if it wears leather. Blizzard would need to retcon their armor class.


I have said the same thing many times now. They added Male Dark Rangers, Night Elf Dark Rangers, Removed Black Arrow from Hunter class, etc. The stage of BFA was set up for Dark Ranger, the 2nd most request class after Demon Hunter.

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I agree, it needs to be a Mail class. 2 specs ranged one melee would be cool.


I think Delaryn may be the leader of the Dark Ranger of the Alliance and Velonara for the Horde


Here you go.

On the subject: the only way I’ve seen Dark Rangers presented that I actually liked was as a re-flavoring of the Rogue Subtlety spec, making them into a ranged, shadow magic using, leather wearing stealth spec.

I really don’t see Dark Rangers as their own class, I don’t think we need another edgy hero class, and we certainly don’t need another class locked to just elves.


I agree about Delaryn, but I think that Blood Elf that tried to kill Malfurion will have a bigger Horde role than Velonara.

Only problem with this idea, is how does it translate to both factions.

Dark Rangers appear to be a Forsaken Elf, and only recently, Undead Human thing.

I hate to say it but edgy is what is popular, so that is what will be added.

They can have back DK and DH if they give me Dark Ranger, I “settle” on those classes but have longed for the Dark Ranger.

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This is the only problem I have with Dark Rangers.


Well, I thought Undead Hunters were suppose to be Dark Rangers trained by Nathanos.

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No. Dark Rangers are not Hunters. DR are like a combination of Rogues and DKs.

Velonara is the dark ranger who spends more time with the player’s character throughout several expa! I think people recognize her as an important character

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She seems to pop up quite often, when leveling my Horde character.

It’s odd because aside from a few questing hubs and events, she seems to have no lore I can find on her.

She also has a unique voice actress.

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she appears in her high elf form in the questline heritance armor blood elf

Yes please!!! Either give us Dark Rangers, or give us undead elves that can be hunters. Let me live the fantasy I’ve been dreaming of since TFT in 2003!


I’m a dark ranger. I’m dark and I fight at range.

Roll a warlock and be a dark ranger with me. It’s easy.

You juat have to accept the fel.

Dark rangers are [undead] [archers] in service of the [Forsaken] and led by Ranger Lord [Nathanos Blightcaller]. These cunning individuals, adept at manipulating opponents, are mainly composed of forcibly raised [Farstrider] [rangers] of [Quel’Thalas].
https://. wow .gamepedia.com/Dark_ranger

I don’t understand why the sudden requests for a horde faction as a class. Just add a dark skin tone to blood elves and a red eye color BOOM! every blood elf hunter = dark ranger.

If you want the play style to be augmented arrows with dark magic, then you should also petition to have RSV returned.

EDIT: I want to clarify that im not against adding a hero class that’s ranged with dark tones. Im just afraid that there wouldn’t be enough to separate it into multiple specs of a new class, considering that was one of the reasons I HEARD RSV got removed.

I say no, just because it’s the Nathanos class. I really can’t stand that prick.


Yeah, I don’t think I want another edgelord class in the game quite yet.

Maybe its time for a bard class (that isn’t inspired by the April Fool’s joke).