Dark ranger hero class?

How about a ranger hero class? Get rid of MM hunter effectively… it’s worthless.

Dark ranger spec
Ranger spec

Make it for more races beyond NE and BE.

As long as I can let out a banshee wail and tackle someone as an enraged phantom

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They’re hunters, but edgelord. They bring nothing new to the table.

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I’d prefer if they rolled it into the hunter class as new spec. I’d hate to give up my mage tower Thas’dorah…

Having said that, if they did create a new class–you know I would absolutely give it a go!

I like that

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Same can be said of the Tinker, you know, same things as a Hunter with traps, flares, and other gadgets.

They bring much more than any other class options, and, like it or not, they are very heavily requested. 2nd most requested only to Demon Hunters.

How are they different from just a hunter though?

What about them would be enough for a whole hero class, rather than just a hunter spec?

Makes no sense for Alliance to have them. Then again, there’s like, what, 2 people that still play Ally?

I can easily see them doing this. Maybe calling the specialization Scout or Shadow Bow.
They could give shadow dance to the assassination spec as a talent.

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I would prefer seeing the Dark Ranger Skins introduced to existing classes.
Rogues and Hunters should have the option in the Barber shop or when you create a character to get the appearance of said Dark Rangers.
But then they’re would be the people saying we want to look like a Dark Ranger. So then that would be something to contend with.

No. Dark Rangers are not Hunters. DR are like a combination of Rogues and DKs.

To be fair, we’ve seen them using Bows.

A rogue can equipped a bow.

Sure, but Rangers in fantasy (obviously mostly from D&D) have the bow as their typical go-to weapon, so it fits the preconceived image even more when our first glance at them was the BFA cinematic and Sylvannas (the Dark Ranger Lady) is yelling at them to “keep firing”.

Not saying it’s a sure thing or blizzard couldn’t make them shadow casters with spellpower wands as a primary weapon for lols, but it’s why people think that.

What do you mean it makes no sense?

Did you not play the Darkshore scenario?

Because they can use a bow they are Hunters?

Hmmm, then Warrior, DK, and Paladin must all be the same? Or can we add Shaman and Rogue to the group as well? Melee Hunters? All the same right?

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Uhhh, no, that is not a Dark Ranger.

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Turrets, tech and mech suits fill a very different fantasy niche than the beastmaster or bowman.

Dark ranger is literally just a hunter that A. died, and B. won’t stop listening to The Cure.

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No. My Hunter can’t cast curses, enslave minds or raise the dead.

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I’m not trying to make a dark ranger. Apparently a dark ranger has to be an undead. I’m simply trying to create a ranged spec for the rogue. If you want to role-play the range spec that I’m suggesting as a Dark Ranger you can.