Seemed like a missed opportunity to add Dark Rangers as an option when the expansion leaned to heavily on Sylvanas. Why wouldn’t they have utilize the Dark Rangers in the Shadowlands??
It always amazes me what some fans of various franchises are able to draw.
The most passionate (Or those payed by the most passionate) tend to produce amazing things for the games or stories they love.
WoW has a great many who are immensely passionate.
No kidding…it’s also similar to hey here’s a death themed expansion, New starting zone where you fight a necromancer! A zone full of necromancers!
We’re getting necromancers?!
You’d have thought pretty much any of the characters related to death would have more of a role. Death Knights…a wee bit.
Forsaken? Nope.
Dark Rangers? Nope.
Calia and crew? Nope.
There really are some fantastic artists.
Just give us Dark Ranger Hero Class. Next expansion. I’ll be fine with that.
It’s really cool to see what passionate players come up with. It’s always a treat to see that within the different race request megathreads in general, and I hope it helps to inspire their dreams to come true someday.
35 days until the next expansion is announced!
Came across a neat art piece on DeviantArt of a Drow Ranger named Traxex from DotA. It was created by a user named Juhani and uploaded to the website on Feb. 27th, 2009.
Traxex, Drow Ranger: Spiderweb by Juhani on DeviantArt
She looks a lot like a Dark Ranger in this image, so I wanted to share it. I figure it could help show off how awesome Dark Rangers can look in general.
30 days until the next expansion is announced!
Also the Velonara quest got updated again on the 9.2.5 PTR!! Could DR’s really be happening?
Another tiny sliver of hope to desperately cling to.
Better than most slivers of hope.
That quest suggests that something may happen and it would be a wonderful way to add in a Night Warrior Eye quest for blood elves. >.>
Some voice lines involving Sylvanas’ fate in the Epilogue that’ll go live next Tuesday was datamined on Wowhead:
Generally speaking, it is a shame that the Dark Rangers didn’t get much of a presence in Shadowlands. I would imagine they would have quite a lot to say during Sylvanas’ judgement. Really seems like a missed opportunity here to at least have some flavor text from them.
At the very least, it seems like the Dark Rangers will be able to be their own thing with their own leader in the near future. They’re still proud members of the Horde, so I’ll be curious to see what they’ll be up to in the future. Preferably playable in some fashion, of course.
27 days until the next expansion is announced!
Blood Elves deserve something unique in the form of a second distinct set of options like what was lost and given to VEs
That being said I am personally fine w Paladin being not available in these supposed options I’m just offering my personal opinion that I am fine either way but I lean now to not only bcz I don’t want it being used as citation for other things I am apt to argue against
They absolutely do and Dark Ranger options and Darkfallen ones would be good in that regard… Maybe not entirely perfect, but really good.
You’d think one wouldn’t have to make such distinctions here but… here we are.
Entirely valid.
All we need is the red eyes, and for the DK skins to be unlocked for all classes (maybe not for paladins if they don’t wanna cross that bridge yet) and we’re set.
It’s doable, it’s all assets that already exist in game.
The EoA leak claims dark rangers will come as a class skin for forsaken, night elf, and blood elf hunters.
True, but Blizzard is still a long ways away from proving their competence to me.
It would be very nice.
Hopefully in the future every race gets one of this quest based customizations.
None of those leaks are real. Anything they get right is a matter of Blizzard being predictable.
I’m not sure its competence that is the issue.
Its their unwillingness to admit that what the players keep saying time and again might be… y’know… what they want to see…
This would be super cool.
I consider that a form of competence when running a long term IP.