Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

Was a hassle at first but let me long enough to do things.

Like changing my shield to the DW shield without that god awful looking mace.


Looking great!


Hi there! Let’s keep this thread alive, eh?


Dark rangers! Support!


Just showing more support for options for Blood Elves so players can rp as Dark Rangers!


I support Dark Rangers…maybe for both Blood Elves AND Night Elves combined?


I would like that!


Hell yeah! I’d play both.


I suppose the concept as long as Horde gets it either first or at the same time, otherwise a big no. I don’t know why they wouldn’t though, as Blood Elf Dark Rangers were a thing first, so it’d be fine with me so long as Blood Elf Dark Rangers were there.


Same here, Falls. It has to be both or none for me. Night Elves should only get it if Blood Elves do.


dark ranger isn’t just a customization. this is like saying dk is a just a customization option.

the dark rangers look the way they do because they’re a banshee possessing their corpse, like sylvanas. they’re a specific type of undead, and should be a new class.

All they’d need to do for a Dark Ranger class is to give Hunters Black Arrow back. Boom, instant Dark Ranger.

specific types of undead are risen in ways that give them different abilities. like dk, dark ranger is the same, as they are a banshee.

they would have abilities a living non-banshee cannot do. intangibility, short bursts of flight, a damaging aoe silence with banshee wail, dispersing into a lethal cloud of mist(sylvanas from the bfa cinematic).

it’s more than black arrow, though yes, that should be one of their abilities. though it should work more like wc3, summoning a skeleton upon death of the enemy.


Don’t get me wrong, I’d love more classes. A Blademaster for example should have Windwalking (stealth) and Mirror Image, but the closest I can do is Arms Warrior. But the more classes they add to the game, the harder it is to balance. They have enough trouble with what they have right now.

i mean, i think it’d be cool if dark ranger was a class.

but i’m not specifically advocating for it to be one here. i’m just saying, the thread’s premise is flawed.

this isn’t just a customization option, this is a type of undeath, just like death knights or val’kyr, or sanlayn. this isn’t something that can be boiled down to red eyes and greenish-pale skin.

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I know it isn’t just a customization option. I also know that it’s a type of undead and that Dark Rangers are banshees possessing their dead bodies. I too would prefer it to be a class, but that’s very unlikely to happen. That’s why I’m advocating for customization.


I think even if they made a Dark Ranger class, the customizations are still legit, because lets say you actually like Hunter a lot, you like collecting beasts and stuff, and you just want to look like a dark ranger- that’s fine.
Personally, I have a few issues with Marksman (Trick shots? Why am I bouncing arrows around?) and would like a class, but I could see people being really happy with their hunter, because for the most part, I am too. I just think a Dark Ranger class would be better.


I fully support this idea!


No doubt, Black Arrow is the staple Dark Ranger ability. But there are lots of great ideas floating around that could make Dark Rangers distinct from hunters; a class in it’s own right.
Even if they added Black Arrow back into the talents, (which would be nice), it would still be but a token gesture.

I used to see it this way as well; but the fact that they epic fail to achieve class balance, suggests to me, that we may as well give up on such an ideal. it’s okay to have unbalanced classes as long as there are situational strengths and weaknesses. If Dark Ranger turns out to be really good in PVP and mediocre or bad at mythic raiding, then… it is what it is. As long as it is useful somewhere that is all that matters.

Well, there is a lack of both mail wearers and ranged weapon users, so I certainly wouldn’t oppose that as the next class if there is a next class.