Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

It’s got skulls. Little ones, but still.


Huh, I didn’t notice them! Time to visit the eye doctor for me, I guess. :stuck_out_tongue:


They’re small and up on top, so you have to see them from the right angle.

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I asked WarcraftDevs a question about Dark Ranger customizations on twitter. Maybe they’ll respond this time?


Tried my hand at making a Dark Ranger character in City of Heroes… I may have gone a bit overboard with the cleavage…



She looks great, but how much is her chiropractor’s bill?


She gets extra support from all those leather buckles around her torso! Or you can just chalk it up to comic book super hero “physics”.


Dark rangers would be a neat addition, I wouldn’t mind them as an option under Forsaken.


Me neither, in fact I’d actually prefer it as we’d both look and feel undead as we played.

I just wished Blizz would respond to my question about the quest or at least so say something to me even if it’s “we can’t answer” as opposed to just ignoring me. I was polite enough with my question.


Nock your arrows! I’m planning a Dark Ranger Rally! I got the idea from the Sethrak Rally Thread.


Aren’t Void Elves already spooky though? they’re pastel-goth.

So why isn’t this a thing?

It’s like the only customization that was actually requested and it’s the only one they didn’t add…


It was a relatively muted request prior to the customization options being implemented the way they are currently. Prior to SL customizations Allied Races were how things were represented. Once it became obvious they were willing to add customizations to races through the new customization options then the request for Dark Rangers became more visually vocal.

That being said, that vocal request happened a couple of weeks after the reveal of skin colors for Void Elves and relatively late in development.


Let me amend this by the way, I support Dark Rangers and believe they should be added.

I’m just pointing out that if I make a strong, vocal request for something right now, it’s unsurprising if Blizzard does not deliver it to me next month.

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The customization for the Blood Elf skin tones for Void Elves was revealed on May 27th. This thread was started on May 21st almost a week before the Blood Elf skin tones were shared with the Void Elves. So I don’t think that the Skin tone really had anything to do with the request.


I believe at the time this thread had less than 20 posts…

and would point out that May 27th was late in development. Blizzard is not a particularly agile company when it comes to development. I think that’s obvious from Blood Elven customizations where customizations were dropped or not implemented because they were able to do so, but with nothing to replace them.


I have to agree with you on Blizzard not being a particulary agile company when it comes developement. Especially given the customizations for certain races, or lack there of.

That said I still would love to see Dark Ranger customizations for either Blood Elves, or Forsaken. Although I’m more for Forsaken getting them.


Even the implementation of Void Elf skins is odd.

They’ve still got red underwear.

probably because they basically just slapped the void elf hair, and eyes on the Blood Elves and called them Void Elves. I mean Void Elves didn’t just get the skin tones, they also got all the blood elf faces.