Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

I disagree here. The dead skin/red eyes aesthetic works for more than just Dark Rangers and I feel should be available regardless of class. There are players who want to RP as San’layn who aren’t as confined by class as the Dark Rangers are.

Adding a dead version of every race to the Forsaken sounds cool… but it’s probably beyond the scope of anything Blizzard would willingly do.


Without Sylvanas there shouldn’t be Dark Rangers. The forsaken should dwindle too nothing as well with Calia the friendly ghost.

I wanted my hunter to become a Dark Ranger or get the hero class Ranger, not some knock off customization. Go RP on your foo foo realms and tranmog yourself.

undead just with red eyes is specifically because they’re a dark ranger, it’s like sylvanas.

not everything should just be left up to headcanon, it really cheapens the game. it’s bad enough they’re letting ironforge dwarves use wildhammer tattoos.

forsaken elves would easily cover san’layn, though it could be said death knight blood elves cover san’layn already. all the san’layn npcs i see have death knight eyes.

San’layn/Darkfallen are also undead with red eyes. It works for both themes and does not cheapen either IMO.

Having undead elf models under the Forsaken race is something that would be amazing, don’t get me wrong. But adding undead versions of elves (and every other race) to the Foraken would not only be a massive technical hurdle, but also a ton of work that only one race will benefit from and that one race will have more options than basically every other race in the game combined.

It’s just not a realistic request imo.

Asking for the existing Dark Range/San’layn skin/eyes for Blood Elves is a simple thing for Blizzard give us. It has a much greater chance of happening than any other suggestion.


That in itself sounds like a customization questline eeeeep!!!


I’m curious on how Halduron and Lor’theomar feel about the Dark Rangers. Did Sylv raise them from recent dead or past dead?

The original Dark Rangers were banshees who were raised, I believe by Arthas, who then possessed their corpses once freed and aligned with Sylvanas. I think that Halduron and Lor’themar would welcome them back, but with some cautious suspicion considering who they were once elite guards for.

I know! I’m excited that it hasn’t been removed!


If you take notice, the level requirement is fifty unlike before when it was 120. The fact that they bothered to alter the requirement supports that they’ve changed it to be compatible with Shadowlands. It is also still in the beta files and now both the questline and the apprentice has a name.

Balesong Darling! They “APPARENTLY” re added the questline back to Beta and get this… it’s for HUNTERS only!!! EEP!! I’m not sure if this is 100% true but we got some hope!



Thats interesting. hope we get Dark Rangers.


I would like more classes then Hunter though.

One is basically a Rogue. And Warriors can be rangers as well.


Yeah, I’m the one who passed that onto to him. Isn’t that great? It took a much more popular twitter user (great guy/gal!) to spread the news.


If the unlock quest is Hunter specific but the skin/hair options are available to all classes after unlocking, I can live with that >_>


That’s what i was hoping too!



Customization quest in Shadowlands. sit out on act one, Proceed to act 2!


I hope so. But if it is a customization they better bring back black arrow


I think it should be for all classes. But at least Hunter, rogue and warrior yeah.


What if it ends with them killing your hunter and raising it as a ranger. That would be awesome


… You know what this reminds me of?

an alleged leak that “Prestige” classes would be introduced in this expansion. Kind of like “Class Spec Skins”,

Demonology Warlocks would get Necromancer (summon Skeletons instead of imps)

Marksmen Hunters would get Dark Rangers

Don’t remember all the details, but personally thought the Alabaster Skin and Blood Red Eyes would be a customization option, like the Night Warrior Eyes for Night Elves.

Slap it behind a quest and call it donesies.


Would be awesome