Dark Ranger and Sentinel: 5/11 talents the same


Half of the talent nodes of Dark Ranger and Sentinel are exactly the same or too similar to each other:

1. AOE ability

Literally the same, the only difference is shadow or arcane damage

When Multi-Shot hits a target affected by Black Arrow, a burst of Shadow energy erupts, dealing moderate Shadow damage to all enemies near the target.


Multi-Shot causes any target affected by Sentinel to explode, dealing Arcane damage to up to 6 targets within 8 yds.

2. Passive damage increase

Exactly the same effect, essentially tuning knob talent, hence the different numbers

Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire deal 15% increased damage.


Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire deals 5% increased damage.

3. Slow

Both specs get 40% slow

Disengage will chain the closest target to the ground, causing them to move 40% slower until they move 8 yards away.


When Sentinel starts dealing damage, the target is snared by 40% for 3 sec.

4. Focus regeneration

Exactly the same effect, different value due to black arrow being single target, while sentinel can affect multiple enemies

When Black Arrow resets the cooldown of an ability, gain 15 Focus.


Each time Sentinel deals damage to an enemy it has an up to 15% chance to generate 5 focus.

5. Capstone ability

Both give 10% increased damage to you and your pet; and trigger an extra damage effect (that deals damage in multiple small hits) - shadow or arcane

When Black Arrow resets the cooldown of Aimed Shot or Barbed Shot, a barrage of dark arrows will strike your target for Shadow damage and increase the damage you and your pets deal by 10% for 6 sec.


An enemy affected by Sentinel within your Lunar Storm gets struck for (50% of Attack power) Arcane damage every 0.4 sec. Any target struck by this effect takes 10% increased damage from you and your pet for 8 sec.

I want to ask the dev team - how is this possible? As MM hunter when I choose my hero talents 50% of the mechanics and effects will be the same. Shadow DoT vs Arcane DoT.

Why isn’t this the case for any other pair of hero talents for any other class?

Did the person who designed the 2 hero talent trees not have much time? Copy/paste and exchange shadow for arcane?

Can we have this forwarded to the developers please?

Thank you


There’s also 2 other similarities.

Passive-defensives (via offense):
Dark Ranger offers a 15% heal on Shadow Damage delt, while Sentinel offers an absorb shield based of Sentinel damage delt.

Black Arrow is on a 30sec CD and lasts for 18 seconds.
Lunar Storm conjures an Owl for 8 seconds, every 15 seconds.

Which equates to either spec having something occur basically half of the time.

The Hunter Hero talents are so uninspired it isn’t funny.


Thanks for the addition, I hadn’t noticed! Especially the 50% uptime thing, just now struck me when I read it, but you’re absolutely right!


Im so shocked by this, it cant be an oversight either… wish we had something like the mage hero talents in quality.

You dont even feel like a dark ranger when you shoot 1 black arrow every 30 sec, and why didnt they include WAILING ARROW


Guys, if any of you have a Twitter account, please do me a solid and tag George


He might be able to do something about it (I hope)

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I don’t know if encouraging people here to go spam someone’s personal twitter is a reasonable thing to do lol…


look like the rogue dev got his hands on the hunter as well…

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I knew whoever were in charge of the hunter hero talents was lazy, but God this is a whole new level of lazy design…


Wait, someone is in charge of hunters? I thought we were worked on by interns in their spare time? Since when did we actually get a real life person who works on our class?


They need to rework the DR tree, it’s the most drab of the 2. Just leave my Wild Spirits alone, I’m excited to have that back, in a better iteration to boot. Every 15 seconds with no ground target required sounds to good to be true so the uptime will probably be nerfed, but man it looks incredibly fun.

the person they are linking is not in charge of hunters. they are a game producer. they’re trying to send people here to bother a random dev that was in an interview for the first discussions of hero talents


you might be right
they put in a short description in chatGPT and it churns out the hero talents


They draw a name/names out of a box or they use a dart board who ever gets unlucky works on hunter.


I actually imagined this :smiley: :smiley:

They entered “Generate Hunter Hero Talents for Sentinel” and ChatGTP googled “hunter hero talents” and found Dark Ranger and that’s why half of the talent points are the same :smiley:


i actually find this more plausible than an actual human being designing these talents, then patting himself on the back and saying “god damn i did a good job with these”, going home and sleeping soundly at night
i have to imagine that they have more self respect than this

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Prolly yes, but not a dedicated hunter dev, just a random dev from another class that got this assignment shoved down its throat from his superior. They just don’t give a damn.

I am trying to maintain hope that the reason it is taking so long to hear anything is because Shams and Hunters have the biggest problems to tackle with some of the more divisive communities that play them.

I too am guilty of being extremely critical of class design as of late, but let’s not make anything personal with whoever IS still working on our class… They are much more likely to engage with us if we keep it civil but always stay firm that we want something done.


It’s a shame that because hunter is the most played class blizzard probly doesn’t see a reason to fix the classes problems. Even though survival is the least played spec in the games history bm and mm keep the calsses numbers high to where they can ignore our classes core issues and just give boring talents



Tbf, virtually all specs have this. And the hero specs will need individual tuning knobs on the already highest-contribution and/or resultant highest-contribution skills for ease of balance. So this is understandable.

…Ehh, these are actually quite different.

Different scaling here, at least, unless every affected enemy’s DoT ticks together and counts as only one here; barring that odd hypothetical, Black Arrow has almost no ability to scale with target count, while Sentinel does.

But in shades of black or bird.

Pick your poison-Elf.

Its because we have no actual dev, nobody there plays a hunter or understands how it plays, all they have is an intern looking at numbers and just making up whatever is easy to reach the expected % increase then just “copy my homework but change it so nobody notices” to the other specs.

I can guarantee we are a “Whatever as long as its something” design. I mean when the devs talked about it they were hyping up how their favourite talent was Dark Chains - 1 person gets slowed for a couple of seconds or until they take like 2 steps when you disengage from them. The ONLY way to be excited about that is because they’ve NEVER played or even seen the class and their reference is the Bolvar vs Sylvanas cinematic and they went “Oh man wouldnt it be sick to like backflip away and chain them down with dark chain arrows then unload into them like pew pew pew” as if the game plays like a cutscene.

This is as good as it gets - we can huff the “Its only alpha, just wait” copium but the last several expansions alpha is what we got live and all feedback was ignored. This wont be any different sadly.