Dark Ranger and Sentinel: 5/11 talents the same

Yeah the fact we had no changes on the first alpha build is not a good sign either.

Another expansion where the most popular class just suffers.


isnt paladin the most popular

I mean this isn’t even taking into account that Black Arrow is a poor man’s Lock and Load, Serpent Sting still exists even though it can auto cast for each spec, and we have about five ways to generate new charges of Aimed Shot or Rapid Fire. Plus Steel Trap is just an unfun node. The class tree talent Sentinel Owl is wildly undertuned. And Hunters’ spec trees are filled with nodes that either are a waste or should be baseline class functionality.


Yeah, Hero talents for Ret, WW, and Firemage look far stronger and more interesting than what we are seeing for Hunters. When I get Beta or even Alpha access Ill test everything for the specs I like and see what feels fun, weak/powerful, or a waste of space. Hopefully it’s not too much copium to expect smart tuning/design updates in Alpha/Beta.

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Hunter has historically been the most popular and still is. Druid is no. 2. Paladin is 3.

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both rio and wcl data shows ret as more popular than bm this season :man_shrugging:

more excellent posts by the OP. where can i sub to your content? (not sarcastic)

Rework Hunter


There isn’t supposed to be just wild disparities in performance betwixt the specs. I imagine they are playing it safe and keeping them a bit tight.

Fair enough, but why only for hunter specs? All other hero trees for any other spec so far have been vastly different from each other

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There isn’t “supposed” to be a wild disparity between classes and specs either. Yet they’re designed completely different.


where do you see this? I see across pve ret is the most played spec

As an example Herald of the Sun and Templar for Retribution can have similar overall damage to one another, can both provide ST and AoE damage, but have a different damage profile and feel different to play. Goals for hero talents within the same class should be that they play/feel differently and offer unique benefits.


I mean considering it’s only for MM Hunter that they can pick either one or two, I can say despite the similarities that it’s a nice choice and design.

I’m not concerned with the effectiveness of what is available to hunter from hero talents. But did notice that dark ranger or sentinel are chosen solely on theme and not at all on what’s offered. Cause what’s offered is pretty much identical for either choice.

Spellslinger would have a word with you.

people on this forum look at other hero trees at surface level and, since they dont know the class (usually), they just see something really flashy and cool


My second most played class is mage, and they have insane hero talents compared to hunter. And Spellslinger sounds cool af shooting shards everywhere

frostfire is just passive stat procs and spellslinger is just passive damage procs :stuck_out_tongue:

The Class and Specs need a huge amount of work:

  • Make multi-shot baseline already and remove the minimum target restriction for MM, currently it is the MOST restrictive aoe in the game.
  • Improve the damage profile of MM and BM, Surv has plenty of cleave in its ST build but MM and BM have to go all in to either AoE or ST with a heavy toll on the other, this just isn’t up to date with a majority of other class and spec designs in the game.
  • Take the important utility and defensive tools off the pets and put them on the hunter, the class has 1/3 of its specs that don’t use a pet and even the specs that use a pet, having to choose between personal survivability and group utility is not a fun or satisfying choice.
  • Fix the glaring hole in the Hunter defensive toolkit: rot damage. Shorten our defensives cds (some of the longest in the game) and/or put some baseline, not talented, passive healing into the specs that work no matter what pet or even no pet is out.
  • Before you go tinkering with the Hero talent trees, Fix The Base Trees, they have not been significantly updated since DF beta. Do you really expect Hunters to stick around for 3 expansions with these same unchanged, DF beta, talent trees? We all know you can do better, just look at the modern reworks for literally ALL the other classes.
  • Put Wailing Arrow in the class tree and make it instant cast!
  • Improve Hunter’s Mark to be on par with the other raid buffs, make it effect the first and last 20% of the target’s HP at a minimuim!
  • Traps are some of the hardest CC and utility to land properly (they are not a target based cc, the hunter actually has to place them accurately for them to work, including accounting for distance variable travel time), actually reward the player skill by making their proper execution meaningful; improve the utility / power of all the traps and make at least 1 provide something unique and actually useful that can’t be imitated or replicated by any other class.

I will leave it here because these are just the baseline fixes to bring the Hunter in line with every other class, I won’t even bother to tackle things like gameplay loop, retro animations, the rule of cool, etc.; the things other classes have the luxury of complaining about. At least just bring Hunter up to the minimum, that’s all we are asking for!


can we stop spamming this plz and thx x

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