Dark leaning RP guild?

Hi all,

I’m wondering if someone could point me in the direction of a dark leaning guild (can also be morally gray, with tolerance for someone dancing the line of dark)

A few things I’d love to see:

I am not super picky, but I would like for it not to be super big in member size, I find it harder to get to know people that way.

It would also be great if the guild is running some events here and there since it’s nice to do stuff with a guild as a whole.

Lastly I’m hoping to find someone who is frequently active from 6 PM ST - and towards the later hours on weekdays and/or active during weekends.

Not sure if such a guild is out there, but if there is one (that’s also inclusive to new members), I’d love to get in touch! :yellow_heart:


The Ancient Evil survives!

It depends on what dark rp you’re looking for, however if you’re looking for dark, magical rp, we may be your cup of tea!

The Shadow of Lordaeron is a resurgent cult of the damned group, where new and old cultists alike can find common ground and where we have plenty of dark rp themes. (Your great Aunt Bertrude is not going to raise herself!)

We are currently low on events due to the fact we’re starting up our first guild campaign in a week or two! There is plenty of rp nightly, though the best days are on the weekends, fridays, and sometimes Thursdays!

If we aren’t a good fit, there’s a few more on the forums that might be! If you’re looking for a predominantly warlock group, try and find the Order of the Lamb! Good luck.

All I see is blackness! Wait, my hood’s down.

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Just to be clear, you’re an Alliance Guild? Because by your description you sound like you want to be Forsaken, before the ret conn.

For clarification, we are a Cult of the Damned guild. While I may be an alliance character, we RP solely as if we are aligned with the Cult of the Damned. Thanks to the new guild membership options, it allows us to invite members of both factions!

That being said, we do share some similarities with the Forsaken, as you can imagine! We may be an awesome choice for anyone who enjoys the similar vein of RP!


Oh thank you! That’s very detailed and helpful. I am definitely not opposed to a cult of the damned theme. I will check out the website ^^

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