Dark Knight (FFXIV) vs. Death Knight (WoW)

Thanks for ruining my class fantasy Raelhorn :frowning:


Seeing some giod comparisons here. I find it interesting that some people are pointing out that Dark Knight only being able to tank is a weakness- however that doesn’t make much sense as I believe most Tank vs DPS encounters in WoW ends with the tank winning 100% of the time.

With that in mind, tanks in FFXIV aren’t wet noodles- their DPS was buffed in the recent expansion. DRK especially is much more powerful than before.

Also, Dark Knight does indeed have its health-restoration ability baked in to its rotation. Death Strike requires RP to use, doesn’t it?

I know nothing really about the Dark Knights but I am quite sure they would easily defeat a Death Knight.

Humm, well I don’t play FF so…

I’ll have a go with my Death Knight WoW vs my Dragonknight ESO.

Er… maybe I shouldn’t really do that, I think my Dragonknight would win… :sweat:

Yeah but that’s someone else’s fault for not localizing II. Because the first Dark Knight that actually happened spent a whole war playing both sides, got away scot free, and was one of maybe two guest party members who wasn’t complete garbage.

He was a total cringelord, sure. But he didn’t suck.

I really enjoy reading your comments. You seem like a very positive person that always makes lighthearted comments :grinning::+1:

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Maaan ffxiv visuals and animations are top notch. Really cannot understand why WoW wont make unique animations for most of our skills like they did in ffxiv. I might get shadowbringer if it goes on sale next year and shadowland is still far from being released.

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Deathknights can empower themselves with runic energy to unleash a blast of ice equivalent to a dragons while unleashing a flurry of attack from massively sized rune blade b(^_^)