Dark Knight (FFXIV) vs. Death Knight (WoW)

you guys are forgetting the fact that death knights can literally force choke people…

And Tyrannus did this to group of elite soldiers, killed them and raised them

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… should I mention that the player character has literally broken out of such “entrapment” attacks on several occasions?

I’m pretty sure that’s the situation for half the mid-fight QTEs in the game.

Pretty sure ingame fighting is different than lore fighting

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Meh, details. But I’d like to summarize the situation as such.

Can a death knight do this?


You can hold that sword back with an old book though. I’d give it to a death knight. They have a lot more versatility.

depends on how strong that thing is.

a death knight can magically enhance there strength and speed if needed, (the haste buff and abominations strength being small examples)
but ima say that right there is the type of trope of “Anime logic” when a small person can block a giant weapon.


Overly flashy JRPG stuff is overly flashy.

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Dark Knight gets two charges of a jumping gap-closer. (Plunge)
Death Knight gets a few ghostly sprint things. (Wraith Walk/Death’s Advance)

Dark Knight can become immune to death for a little while, but requires healing to survive. (Living Dead)
Death Knight can become immune to death fora little while, but requires healing to survive. (Purgatory)

Dark Knights heal themselves as a regular part of their magical-sword rotation. (Souleater)
Death Knights heal themselves as a regular part of their magical-sword rotation. (Death Strike)

Dark Knight’s main form of passive mitigation is self-healing and a damage absorb bubble. The damage absorb bubble also gives them power to fuel their strongest abilities if it is consumed. (Soul Eater+The Darkest Night)
Death Knight’s main form of passive mitigation is self-healing and a damage absorb bubble. (Death Strike)

Dark Knights can create a zone of damaging shadow energy. (Salted Earth)
Death Knights can create a zone of damaging shadow energy. (Death and Decay)

Dark Knights can blast shadow lasers out of their swords. (Edge and Flood of Darkness)
Death Knights can make people sick. (Diseases)

Dark Knights can enter a frenzy where they can just spam-blast an enemy with their strongest attack over and over and over, while also blasting them with sword lasers. (Delirium+Bloodspiller with off-GCD Edge of Darkness)
Death Knights… can’t.

Dark Knights can summon a simulacrum of their inner darkness to jump in and help blast their enemy.
Death Knights can summon a floating sword that swings around to help them whack their enemy.

Comparing Blood DKs and Dark Knights, they hold a lot of similarities. Only real difference is the power of their cooldowns, between Dark Knights being able to share their cooldowns with others, and having multiple big flat % reductions, and doubling-down on opportunity cost when their mitigation also fuels their damage when fully absorbed.

Between the two, it’s also a no-brainer which one pulls off a more powerful aesthetic, considering every single attack from a Dark Knight has some method of empowering themselves and follows the course of yes, it’s a flashier game so of course the guy with the big sword can literally split the clouds in the sky.


Death Knight pretty easily. They can use a DPS spec and Dark Knight is a tank spec :wink:

If you mean DRK vs a Blood DK that would be interesting.

Black Mage vs a Classic WoW mage would be interesting or maybe an unpruned BFA mage in Shadowlands.

If we’re talking Level 70~80 BLM from FF14… Black Mage wins. You’d think the WoW Mage would win, with polymorph and counterspell, but Black Mage summons miniature exploding stars and hellfire, while also having access to Triple Cast to be able to insta-cast spam death, Sleep to compete with Polymorph’s CC potential, and Surecast to be immune to interrupts when they have to cast.


Dark Knights and Death Knights exist with or without the player character. Bringing the abilities of the Warrior of Light / Darkness into the comparison between the 2 shows an obvious bias.

Are we talking the WoL as a Dark Knight, or just someone like Sidurgu? Because the WoL has something literally called The Power to Transcend(The Echo’s JP name), letting them break all mortal limits.

Literally Saronite repels magic remember WotLK questing?

this is true, but it was more so for if it was in it’s ore state, but even refined it still did hold magical resistance, was durable as a metal and kinda lighter weight than like steel.

The armor is invulernable to most magics. That was in the quest too.

Suddenly the Shadowknight from Everquest with 10,000 AA points steps into the fray…

That is honestly not a lot different from what happened to arthas.

Hey I was about to do that when Aggramar was going to use Taeshalach on me, but then those space goat floozies teleported me out of the battle.

God dang Space goat floozies, stealing my glory :frowning:


Gosh dang those waggle platoon squads!


Yes, I can’t argue that specific point of lost glory (and loss of an absolute answer to that question)… though I suppose one can argue that the player character from WoW would be unable to withstand that strike.

In the Antorus Raid, the battle against Aggramar has him use the Flame Rend technique; which I would posit as being a rough equivalent to the strike which the player was pulled out of in that cutscene. This needed to be countered by stacking up to split the damage and reduce the knockback greatly.

Whether or not that’s a valid argument?
Well, that’s part of the fun here.