Dark Knight (FFXIV) vs. Death Knight (WoW)

Using all powers and abilities given by their respective lore, who would win?


Dark knight o accounting of not sucking.

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Dark knight. Pretty sure Batman could beat any death knight.


Well a Death Knight is a sort of living embodiment of death, where the Dark Knight is a rich guy with some toys and decent detective skills.

My money is on the Death Knight.


So… a fight between a Declined Torrid applicant versus a Declined Hot Topic applicant.


The first time the US was introduced to the Final Fantasy Dark Knight, he :

  • Got fired from his job
  • Got conned into burning a village
  • His girlfriend rejected him
  • Got knocked unconscious and ended up lost on a beach.

After that, he got so fed up with the Class that he literally main-swapped mid game to being a Paladin.

So seriously, using FF Lore. Dark Knights suck.


Cecil was much closer to his girlfriend by class switching the Paladin too. Looking at FF4 Dark Knight, Dark Knight was much more of a pawn too.

Yeah but the Dark Knight storyline in FFXIV is really good.

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Dark Knight: Tank ONLY
Death Knight: Tank or DPS, depending on spec

Death Knight is clearly the far superior class imo.


It’s an interesting question, especially with the FFXIV Dark Knight taken into account. Doubly so when you take into account the abilities of the player character of FFXIV, though we are taking out the abilities of other classes/jobs to be fair.

Now then…

Major FFXIV Spoilers AHOY!

Looking at FFXIV, we have the following:

  • A pretty standard set of shadow-themed abilities including AoE spells, health drain spells, magically-empowered sword strikes (including some of which can heal them), defensive wards of various strengths and durations, summon a shadow-clone, and so on.
  • The ability to summon simulacra (as in MULTIPLE) which are not just powerful, but entirely independent beings. Keeping in mind these are born of emotional turmoil, they aren’t exactly the “nicest” of people. They can also be summoned on command.
  • The most prominent simulacrum is a pragmatist, who isn’t above appearing out of nowhere and stabbing the opponent in the back.
  • Functionally immortal and able to resurrect themselves indefinitely… maybe, it hasn’t exactly been confirmed in the lore. However, just about everyone else in the game with similar powers has shown this ability.
  • Able to see into their opponent’s past and gain a great deal of understanding about them… though keeping in mind that this often debilitating while is actually happening. They’re just fine once it’s over, and able to use that to their advantage (for example, mind games).
  • Appears to have some degree of foresight and able to see where enemy attacks will hit before they will actually happen. This makes them better able to dodge said attacks, and possibly parry blows as well.
  • Able to absorb and contain enough light magic that it would permanently render the sky awash in bright light and suppress all forms of weather and even nighttime. And this is before they could actually CONTROL this amount of light magic. And yes, this is even true for a Dark Knight.
  • While mostly visual flair in the trailer, they can split the aforementioned light-inundated sky and bring back the night in a single sword swing.
  • Apparently has the “power of creation”, though their ability to use this has noticeably diminished from what it once was… several millennia ago. This one is still be elaborated upon.

And for WoW, the Death Knight has the following:

  • Several varieties of magic (frost, shadow, and disease), swordmanship, and necromancy.
  • Able to summon a small horde of undead ghouls temporarily, and one for a long duration.
  • Able to heal themselves with magically empowered swordplay.
  • Undead and unable to die normally. And their ghose can run back to their body after being “mostly dead”.
  • Got chased out of the Paladin Order Hall by some light magic… but nothing outrageous.

I’d place my bets on the Dark Knight, if mostly because of what the player character is in FFXIV (the real hero of the story… and acknowledged as a borderline unstoppable force who the villains mostly try to outwit than confront directly) while the WoW player is mostly just a strong soldier with some neat powers. Both are notoriously hard to kill, but the Dark Knight would be back on their feet faster.

That and Fray is FAR more interesting character than anything WoW has ever given us… as well as all that implies.


Also because paladin was OP in that game. He got sent back to level 1 after changing and still out-DPS’d his old class.

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I’m kind of heavily bias towards Dark Knight as I’ve been playing FFXIV a lot and they’re my favorite job (especially in Shadowbringer)

On the other hand what Blizzard might do with Death Knights in Shadowlands could sway my opinion a touch.

A lot of Shadow going on in these expacs huh?

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That was probably the most hilarious description of Cecil I ever read.

Thank you for making mine a good Sunday.

Don’t forget that at Level one he had 600 HP, whereas just a few minutes earlier as a DRK he only had 300 or so. A clear case of Developer bias in favor of those lovable bast—ions of goodness, aheh I mean the Paladins. If I ever saw it! >:)

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Dark knight an emo self absorbed yes man that feels bad for others only AFTER he himself is treated badly by the same liege he blindly kissed the boots of because he once questioned his kings motives

Death knight immortal special forces created to destroy anything their master Arthas demands who gained freedom after canonically failing their first actual mission prior to being “reborn”

For all of my issues with World of Warcraft, I want to join us all together in one common cause. Can we take a moment to thank Blizzard for the fact that there is not a single Spoony Bard to be seen in all of Azeroth? :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh come on who could hate hearing the wonderful ballad about Ragnar the red and the shieldmaiden?


Ragnar the Red would, since his head rolled courtesy of Matilda in that song. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well he overestimated his own ability and insulted her so what did he expect?

A hug. That’s all he ever truly needed. -sage nod-

In our own way, we’re all Ragnar the Red.
