Dark Iron Death Knights

Also you want to fix the problem of the herirage armor ?
Done, Heroic Classes dont ger herirage armor. Idc just give me my Maghar orcs and Dark Iron DK.

I have played DK since Cata, now i cant play my favorite race with my favorite class. So i must play Warrior.
Not fun.


Dranosh Saurfang was a Mag’har orc.
Remember him and his valiant stand at the wrath gate with other Mag’har orcs who fell that day oh and then killing him as a DK?
I knew there was lore. LOL

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now I have the image of scottish accent christian bale saying “I’m batman” in my head.

Not a bad image mind you…quite funny actually lol.

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Id say make it so you can’t obtain it on a hero class but they should still get to wear it once obtained.

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Twisting lore or justifying a players right to play a class/race combat by the existence of a NPC here or there is a very bad idea, and unlikely. Why not have every class open to every race? We could always say that they were taught a practice from another race in their faction. . .

Literally a battallion of Mag’har orcs fell at the wrath gate.
How do we know Arthus didn’t turn them all?
He turned Dranosh to a DK.

Lets not all forget the legion made the first DKs and all these races where forced in to combat on Argus.

They would have to rework how the DKs level. Their talents start at 56. They don’t even have a template for low level DKs. This sounds like more work than it’s worth, given there are so many more things they should be working on.

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I agree that Blizzard should not be diverting their immediate attention and resources to this project given everything else they are presently dealing with.

However, provided they can iron out the difficulties you’ve mentioned – perhaps by having them simply go through the original starting zone while disqualifying those toons from earning heritage sets – I’d like to see allied Death Knights introduced in the futureif and only if they manage to implement the sweeping improvements the game so desperately needs.

To get changes for the future we need to state our concerns now. If we wait too long to let blizzard know they need to fix things then they will blow it off as they missed their chance. I agree a lot of other problems need to be fixed in the game first but I will not let blizzard ignore holes they left in their lore.

They can’t let Dark Irons be DKs because if they could, it would be unfair to the other races. Nobody would roll any other kind of DK ever again because there’s just no way to compete with something as metal as an flaming undead dark iron knight.

I support Mag’dar, Dark Iron, and Void elves to be Death Knights.

Very skeptical of KT human death Knights but open to ideas.

Actually for Kul Tiran DKs, what if they made Kul Tiran DKs a Drust death magic thing instead of Scourge thing and gave them a different starting zone made from a repurposed chunk of Drustvar?

Would be similar in spirit to Tauren sunwalker “paladins” and Night Elf moon priests being shoehorned in as regular priests.

But Blood Elf DKs didn’t become Void Elves. Like, I don’t think that can happen. Once they are DKs, they are DKs. They aren’t then going to be able to embrace the void.

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That is wrong because warlocks can be void elves and they are embracing fel magic and the same magics that make Death Knights, there is nothing stopping them.

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Too drunk to be death knights.

Entirely different kind of Death Knight but ok.

Warlocks use fel magic.

Death Knights are UNDEAD.

Completely different animals.

Do not forget Gorefiend and the fact he was a warlock and the first Death Knight the magics are the same and both come from the void.

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Im not talking about the magics.

Death Knights basically become a different race. They are both Undead and whatever race they were originally.

For the Blood Elf Death Knights to be able to join the Void Elves doesn’t seem right.