Dark Heart and WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Ahead

Unless we get the legendary cloak questline back - pass.

I don’t want to level a new character, period. Why can’t we have a “re-birth” system like D3?

I leveled 12 alts through MoP when it was current. I have practically every quest, dungeon and raid memorized. Why on earth would I want to grind it all again?

I would have to split the time between retail WoW (where I still have a metric ton of stuff to do on alts) and this “other” mode that has no connection to anything other than cosmetic rewards. Just…enough. As much as I want the new mounts, I don’t want them that much.


Campaign was fine, just the stupid affixes both on gear and enemies were dumb. It’s diablo 3 all over again, I’m not going through that again and having to wait for the expansion for real game changers are going to be made.

D2 is where i go if i want my diablo fix.

Copying a character literally wouldnt work, the whole gearing system is different

I hear this a lot, especially from a friend of mine who’s a huge Diablo fan. :sweat_smile:

D2 is a fine game, just takes forever to do anything and i hate trading for gear lol

Usually when i get the urge to play d2r i just mod single player to make it harder and offer better rewards

Because its far superior than the others IMO, both story wise and gearing wise. Straight forward stats, fun off meta builds and finding rares is prolly more exciting than finding some rare uniques

For people that play multiple Blizzard games, this is a lot of releases pretty close together.

Cata Classic releases on May 20th. Diablo 4 season 4 starts May 14th. This starts May 16th.

So…any bugs worth mentioning?

Screams in elephant troll mask!

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Because it’s not a grind. Because this is the expansion they chose for this event this time around. Because it’s insanely fast leveling through quests and raids, because the point is to get the achievements, the uber OP gear with nearly infinite power to mow things down for fun and to earn Bronze for fun cosmetics.

It’s Chromie Time on steroids to go bonkers.

Some see elephant, I see this.

Gobbling intensifies


I’m a little bummed that Remix isn’t starting sooner, but that’s mostly because I have nothing to do in Season 4 or 10.2.7 aside from whatever the new story quest is. Don’t really have friends to play with so Awakened raids may as well not exist for me.

I really wanna see what kind of silly things I can do with a Fire mage in Remix, because that cloak looks like it can stack secondary stats really high. I wasn’t able to test it for very long on PTR, I thought there would be more than one test weekend.

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ROFLMAO I can’t unsee that now. :rofl:

God, I hope Blizz sees this image and rethinks that face mask now. LOL


Do these characters disappear after the remix is over? I’ve a friend who’s considering starting WoW for the first time and it’d be cool if it just rolled into the retail game.

Nope, they’ll be converted into normal characters once TWW launches iirc.

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You are correct, it was part of the announcement

Cool, I can make more Warlocks during the remix while also getting the rewards that I want from it so two birds one stone. :dracthyr_comfy_sip: :dracthyr_comfy_sip: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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Unfortunately, they confirmed that any expansion-specific content and rewards would NOT be coming back. So no:

  • Legendary cloak questline
  • Challenge Mode
  • AOTC mounts
  • Pandaria phoenix mounts
  • Garrosh heirlooms

Though it is just the questline thats nit ciming back, you will be able to get the look and the ordos unlock if you dont have them

Yes, that’s what they said. The Quest line isn’t coming back and neither are the cloaks themselves. Players will be able to unlock Transmog appearances of the four cloaks and the ability to access Ordos via the new Cloak of Infinite Potential.

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