Dark Heart and WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Ahead

The seasons have carried it hard because the base game definitely isn’t much to write home about.

That’s not the point, it makes no sense for S4 gearing to be so gated behind so many currencies in this context

Wouldnt say most honestly, most wanted them to change it up so they could come back

Its the same as season 4 in sl, and that was fun

“Fun” is definitely subjective, but it was nice being able to snag some rewards I probably wouldn’t have gotten otherwise at the time like the Gavel of the First Arbiter. Now I see it multiple times a week in transmog runs. :sweat_smile:

Yea lol, gearing is actually BETTER this time too, first item took 3 weeks in sl and you were capped at 3 total, no cap besides weeks active now and its an item every 2 weeks

Good. Less button bloat.

Druids are one of the few id actually call bloaty

What bugs stood out? I didn’t notice anything game breaking or very disruptive at all

Sooner?! We have season 4 starting this week! Tons of content to do already in the game and that not even is counting the classic stuff! Think it’s release right on time!

It’s still bloat compared to BM Hunter.

All classes need a BM spec with the least bloat.

Like the other person stated, yea but feral is getting to keep it. I would love it back on balance and resto though.

What a complete fuster cluck…

Way to just completely divide the player base. I get people can play what they want, but between classic, SoD, MoP TR, and WoW S4 you’re spreading your player base thin in all the other versions of the game.

Doing this without having people come back or new players come in is just going to make dead to medium filled servers throughout various game modes even more empty. Just what I see happening.

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'cept you didn’t have to rank up your item using currencies already used to rank up random loot drops and crafted pieces all at the same time.

With a currency also competing on cosmetics and mounts.

This is not better

Nice, can’t wait!!

Given the option, sure, forced? Nty, just give more active/passive choice nodes

Competing cosmetics and mounts is the only issue i see, the upgrade system is the same as its been since season 2

It isn’t just about bugs with the new content, but also bugs that get introduced to existing things. 10.2.6 had a lot of these get missed and impact people’s existing experience, even those who had zero interest in Plunderstorm. 10.2.7’s PTR meanwhile was barely up 5 days.

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This feels a bit too soon but im not opposed to more content, i guess this just means they are rushing it to release TWW faster.

Eh, probably more like they want people to have enough time with remix