Courtney, this is a cheerocracy monarchy, not a democracy.
My comment is 99% a joke but I’m pretty sure the most well known irl empires that had concubines, off the top of my head, which are the ottomans and chinese, didn’t really elevate the mother-to-the-heir that highly afaik.
True, but the Black Temple also had an entire wing full of concubines as well. Thus, I don’t consider it something to be ruled out, particularly for elves given how most of the concubines in the Black Temple were Blood Elves.
I’d be surprised if that is the direction Blizzard would go today, mind you.
It’s possible the concubines in Black Temple were merely meant to show how decadent and lazy the Illidari and Illidan himself had become when most of Outland was under their boot.
It’s my guess anyway
Crowley kind of lost any claim to leadership in Gilneas when he abandoned the war against Sylvanas and called back the entirety of the Alliance forces to save Lorna. In doing so he practically cemented Genn’s status as total leader of Gilneas, and reaffirmed the Greymane right to rule.
Imagine the average Gilnean being confronted with the idea of a king who’s better at fighting his own people than an actual enemy. He should definitely have been present in the quests, but king? Definitely not.
Could you imagine LOL.
Darius is a traitor to the crown and attacked the Horde during Legion he deserves nothing but a axe in his head.
It was Genn who attacked the forsaken during legion
Darius is a war hero
You’re wrong as usual
nope when you free Darius during the warrior questline(order hall) he tries to kill Fotsaken NPCs(Horde mirror is Eitrigg here btw).
Darius tried to kill Genn and because Gilneas left the alliance.
Elisande had her own little den of iniquity in the Nighthold, as well.
Could be a Highborne thing.
This mostly depends on what you mean by ‘high elevation’. The favoured consort and mother to an emperor were usually quite powerful in Chinese court politics.
Yeah but as far as I know none of it was “de jure” power, all “de facto”. Also the high elves were generally pretty chill and as far as we know didn’t have tons of political intrigue or rivalries, so even if Kel’thas mom did have power in the political sense there wouldn’t be much to use it for considering high elven society, especially for the ultra wealthy and powerful, was pretty idyllic.
Again though this is all just wild conjecture there’s no way Blizz would have Quel’Dorei having concubines LOL.
Genn never thought anything through.
This is pretty objectively wrong.
When it came to the wall he very much thought it through because he didn’t want to build the wall through Darius Crowley’s land because he knew it would piss him off, but Godfrey convinced him to do it because Godfrey wanted there to be a civil war as he wanted to take the throne and rule Gilneas. Genn definitely thought it through and regretted building the wall where he did, but it was the best spot to built it to cut Gilneas off.
And when it came to the worgen situation he did think it through because Arugal had to bring up the worgen as a solution multiple times. So Genn was clearly thinking on it, and when he realized the wall wasn’t going to hold back the Scourge he had Arugal release the worgen. He also ASSUMED Arugal could control them as he said he would be able to and he was a powerful wizard, why should Genn think otherwise? How was Genn supposed to know that Arugal would betray Gilneas and side with Alpha Prime? He wouldn’t.
Aha! Finally conclusive proof she was (alot) older then 16 in Cata. According to UVG the Second War starts 6 years After the Dark Portal Opens. Cata happens year 28. So she was at least 22 years old.
Oh, nice! I don’t know what UVG is, what is that? Also do we know that Tess was around during the Second War? If so, then that’s awesome to have a concrete age for Tess.
Although that kind of makes it weird that Genn was trying to pair her with Anduin (which was a stupid plot point anyways considering that felt very OOC for him), cause she would have been 27 in BfA when Anduin was 18. If they were closer in age I could have understood it, but not 27 and 18…
Think he’s referring to the Ultimate Visual Guide, here.
Ultimate Visual guide.
Hmm, seems like a slight mistake on my part, I thought it said during not after the second war. Calia said she was young before Gilneas left. Oops. So this now makes her age a minimum of 13.(year 15 was when Gilneas left the Alliance) Now the question was “how young was she when Gilneas left?”
While I don’t know if there’s a concrete answer and I don’t recall when she said she was young when Gilneas left (I’m not questioning the statement), if she was stating she recalled that event, she probably would have been, as a minimum, around 3 years old (though obviously possibly older). So 16 would be the lowball number I’d wager.
Shame we couldn’t kill him. He was the reason the worgen had initial success.