And that is why I added the note about him just hitting that that felguard that was obviously already dead. And considering once he snap out of it he immediately went “my lord” to Varian tells me he was not doing it on purpose.
Then you are missing the point, it is not about him “ignoring orders” so much as its him losing control to violence. A more calm and collected Genn would not be hitting a dead enemy and focusing on all the other living enemies around him, nor would he be ignoring Varian in a crucial battle.
Simple, Blizzard didn’t want to make a full 3d model of Genn in human form(or one could also just assume his emotion was running seeing all those people and realising how many of them will die/had already died and let himself loose for just abit). Is it lazy? Abit, but that is just the way it is.
Edit: I take it back, I don’t think its lazy so much as this little detail is so minor that I am willing to ignore it considering I would rather the cinematic department have focused their resources on other things rather then make a human Genn model for what is effectively less then a minute screen time when the worgen one works just as well.
He was also in his worgen form during the BfA cinematic. It’s his thing and even in Wolfheart Greymane mentions how he feels like a younger man in his worgen form.
It’s not something he’s afraid of, he very much acknowledged the benefits in Wolfheart
And yet we see him more often in his human form more so then worgen one. Even fighting Nathanos in human form only going worgen when he get abit gouded/needed an edge.
And again, this lore note is from the UVG, which is thus far canon lore. He knows there are benefits, and even then he still avoids it because there are still risks to it.
He tried to kill Genn, take over Gilneas and killed lots of Forsaken. For that he shall be punished. If Horde loses their edgy characters so should the alliance that is equality and fair.
I can’t. Your heroes are alive, ours are not. This is a double standard and needs to be called out. The whole Horde council must be excuted for their treason.
it is alliance heroes who get all the spotlight. It is horde leaders who blackmail the Horde PC into aiding the alliance scum with their issues. This is a real and needs to stop full time. And I will fight until the Horde gets equal as much love as the alliance does. From OP demigod leaders to kick butt cinematics where our powers turnt he tide of battle.
Perhaps, although I’m not certain to be honest. I mean, even if Anasterian had concubines, the one to give birth to his heir would’ve been elevated to a position akin to Queen-Consort or something.
I bet Darius would want to abolish the monarchy if he were leader. I bet the Northgate rebellion still hangs in his mind. Didn’t Blizzard go back and say that Gilnean troops in Warcraft 3 were his rebels, aiding the Alliance against Genn’s wishes?