What? What has Rhonin got to do with anything in this thread?
Mentioned in the OP as a new character learning the old ropes in the same mold as Shandris and Meritha.
I assume the OP is referring to Rhonin’s arc, to be fair.
Is this actually confirmed? I remember reading the Curse of the Worgen comic and they made her out to be young in that if I remember correctly. I thought Tess was like 16 in Cata.
Are You really angry that the man who almost destroyed Gilneas is not king?
That’s bait right there
I had to read alot of Bad takes in MMOs Champion latley. The void elf larpers are even worse.
Ask the Orc chieftains.
I am checking right now. But you know don’t particularly care anymore because I found something better, regarding the worgen toy:
“Father, look! A peacebloom! A watchman found it on the grounds just outside. I haven’t seen one in ages.
A flower? Have you any idea what’s going on? What we have all just been though? And yet you come to talk to me about a flower, daughter?
When I was a little girl, you told me that I was to find one beautiful thing every day, that it would make the hard days easier. Well, I still do that…I’ve found a beautiful thing today. Even amongst all this ruin, I still found something. It’s…it’s given me…hope.”
A fitting toy indeed for this patch.
Calia said she was “very young when Gilneas left the Alliance” according to Chronicles Gilneas left around year 15. Catacylsm happened year 28. so all we know is she is at least 13 years anything more then that I am not 100% sure but she seemed like she was 18 more so then 16 in the comic to me.
We know that Tess is a few years older than Anduin, but close to his age, from the Before the Storm novel where Genn suggests that maybe, Anduin could marry Tess.
I think the rotted cherry on top of this crap cake is that Blizzard is still walking back on the Worgen story. Tess isn’t even a Wrogen, because it’s “so bad of a curse.” Even though in game and other media there’s no discernible disadvantage. Honestly looking at Genn I’d say it’s worth it simply because it keeps you looking and acting young. Sign me up for a graphic transformation scene to Sam Cooke’s “Blue Moon.” Doesn’t help there’s some loony RP’ers and Reddit mouth-breathers who want just another flavor of European humans who are indistinguishable from Stormwindians.
I’d love to see a female Worgen model that doesn’t look like a mutated Chihuahua for a change. I guess that’s too much to ask for.
Almost every family in the entire Warcraft universe is ridiculously small. Many characters are literally like the last 1-3 living members of their ENTIRE families, both immediate AND extended. Tons of families lorewise are just outright extinct. Sometimes they seemingly retcon characters to have no living relatives at all like they did with Vol’jin and potentially also Archmage Karlain (his son was briefly an NPC in Legion but was removed from the game just a couple patches later).
For better or worse we’re probably going to get a “Worgen cure” questline at some point. They’ve at least established that some characters would not be interested in a cure though. Neena is a Worgen soul in Maldraxxus who refused to accept a humanoid abomination form.
It also doesn’t help that Genn is almost ALWAYS shown in human form! It probably took Metzen twisting some arms to get the cinematic crew to show him in Worgen form.
Genn treats his Worgen form like it’s a knife in the boot: Something to fall back on in an emergency. So tell me why can’t Tess do that? Is she somewhat weaker of will or character than an old man? Quite a spicy message to put out those days. But then again whomever seems to write the Alliance stories has already proven to be tone deaf as hell.
Blizzard’s portrayal of the Worgen Curse makes for a debate in my head. Maybe it is my nature to play Devil’s Advocate, or to try to find the logic behind notions I disagree with.
I can sort of see the logic in the Story of:
“We took up a curse at our darkest time, to save our people. Now, with our homeland back, we should spare our people this curse, and let it die with those who carry it”
That could be an interesting story… if there was ever a down side. Without a downside, it seems like a purely aesthetic choice by Blizzard. A choice that goes against the Players.
The one thing I will say is that the curse never seems to have drawbacks. The Forsaken have clear drawbacks - they don’t get to just revert to a normal Human form. Their Curse is tangible and visible at all times. The Worgen Curse only seems to have benefits, especially after the help of the Night Elves.
Maybe the extra drool, slobber, and shedding of hair makes their home life gross, but that isn’t mentioned as the reason.
This is actually really cool cause in the Curse of the Worgen comic Tess comes up to Genn and gives him a flower.
A neat little callback to that.
Honestly, I’m pretty well convinced that the main reason Tess isn’t a worgen is because the devs don’t like the female worgen model.
Of course, I also think that such a view is exactly why they should overhaul the female worgen model until they get one that looks good enough to feature as a prominent Alliance character.
To be fair Tess would probably get a unique Worgen model. They seem to churn them out commonly enough for more “beloved” characters like Sylvanas and Anduin.
Only alliance ever gets their cake. Meanwhile Orc land is crap still and two races are homeless.
Cleaning up my Warcraft book collection had the side of effect of letting me browse though some of them, particularly concerning the Worgens.
No, I don’t think it required twisting Metzen’s arm, in fact it was lore from when Metzen was around. The UVG specifically mentions that Genn prefers to remain in human form which leads to Curse’s point.
There is a downside and UVG mentions that Genn stays in human form because he is afraid of ending up in bestial violence. Exhibit A:
I always interpreted that Scene as Genn enjoying killing too much to notice Varian trying to give an order.(that demon was clearly already dead but Genn kept hitting him) Also, thanks to Exploring EK we know Ivar and his pack is almost feral. So yes, there are drawbacks and both the potion/ritual were not full proof ways to deal with the curse.
Which is effectively the same as the void elves. Sure, we know lorewise it takes incredible mental will to make sure you don’t succumb to the void, but it has never been something highlighted ingame aside from the Island Expedition. For the most part, the void elves seem well “normal”. And part of that is because these are playable races! The game is not likely to highlight these particular weaknesses and the few ingame representation they will have is more likely to highlight their power(for example showing the magical aptitude of the void elves during the Faction assaults of BfA)
Except he is in Worgo form when he is chatting peacefully with Anduin, watching the bodies of slain soldiers return, and talking about sending farmers off.
Just casually in wolf form in a situation that didn’t have him “in combat” or anything.
He seemed to forget that bit of lore when it suited the rule of cool. At any rate, that is just his fear of a possibility- not the fate of all Worgen.
Your interpretation isn’t canon. To bury that interpretation:
Genn has a penchant for ignoring orders and doing his own thing.
Heck, in Legion, he was in Human form when he decided he was going to attack Sylvanas - before you leave Stormwind for Stormheim. Already ignoring Anduin.
He doesn’t have to be in wolf form to ignore orders.
I suggest you reread what Anya typed…