Dare to unsub during this terrible patch? Gonna miss stuff then

Why do you even come here if you’ve already moved onto a better mmo? Stop treating the wow forums like its your facebook page where you ping that ex in every post talking about how great your new gf/bf is.



I think it has been said a few times during the times WoW has been trash, that forums are more entertaining than the actual game. So since i ve wasted a token on a month’s sub, i might as well get some value out of that sub

Honestly you sound like a very unhappy person and want to take it out on everyone else.


When i come back… If i missed anything during this patch it’ll be my fault… It was my choice not to play. Getting mad over removed stuff is pointless. It has been done since BC.

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Question is, is was the content that was removed sufficient to justify the subscription fee at the time? If it was worth the money you wouldn’t have missed it.

(If your drinking from the 6-month coolaid though and missed it, that is all on you.)

Says a lot considering how hard they are pushing the 6 month sub with all the mounts tied to it, they know they cant keep people playing by making the game fun and instead use methods like these.

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You do realize, following this silly logic, PvP (and not the hyperbolic stuff like “oh no PvP servers = no PvP” ) wouldn’t exist?

I don’t like PvP and i don’t want to do it, but i don’t want to remove it cause i’m not going to do it right now. Same with the horroric visions. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Why your worried about what other people get?

Seriously a legit question. I’m always conflicted on this sort of thing, i understand the value of hard work, and i can understand that you want your hard work to be validated/noticed, whatever word you would love to substitute it with, a lot of a times to other people, but i think when your at the point that your constantly angry that people get stuff for easier, why then are you listening or paying attention to those people? why not just focus on what you have that makes you happy and what you accomplished? You still have your hard way to do it, nobody is taking it away from you. And you still have your accomplishments.

In before being accused of wanting the ever increasingly meaningless phrase “participation trophies”, i want them to keep it around and keep it challenging. I know they can, cause this is the same “indie” company that has a record profit of 8 billion dollars while laying off 800 employees 1-2 years ago, has 2 servers up and running with one of them seeing triple amount of subs, has apparently enough money to spend on 5 cinematic’s and cut back on the last one intentionally making it terrible on purfose so they can go “see? cutscenes with players in them are a bad idea, so were just going to stick back to them” like EA trying to prove in a self profitcy kind of way that Single-player games are dead, and can ask the devil himself for more money.

Just like EA. :crazy_face: :hammer:

“Real” PvP? you mean like High ranking stuff like Rated?

Hey, from my point of view the Jedi are evil, okay?

Well to be fair, this isn’t a far fetched from anything we seen from Star Wars, So that’s like the only accurate thing EA was able to nail down with their Star Wars games.

So how many times the continuously supported, profitably viable, popular massively multiplayer online roleplaying game gets thrown in the non existent grave again? i lost track. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You do realize WoW tokens make them even more money then subbing, right?

To be fair, the cloak questline isn’t that hard to complete, it just takes a long time to get it.

I haven’t gotten around to it on my Rogue, i did on my Mage… Because Mages are more fun then Rogues right now for me.

Well to some, that is fun.

Heck, isn’t the point of RPG’s is to build power, via by gear and other things?


While i consider myself a casual at multi-tasking, don’t you think you would enjoy the game more if your full focus is on the game? Especially a story driven game?

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To be fair, they’ve had that in game for a long time. I have tabards, pets and mounts no one will ever be able to get again. I do understand that it is discouraging, but it isn’t a new thing.

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“Everything sucks”

“They will remove stuff that sucks so I have to stick around to do the stuff that sucks!!”


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I don’t see why not. They carried over to BFA. No reason to think it wouldn’t be possible in SL either.

The only potential downside of waiting further is key balance might be “off” again. Those appearances were always easiest to get in Legion when people were pushing like +30s or whatever as opposed to people capping out at like +22 in BFA.

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Thank you greek man.

I felt this way about some parts of Legion but I continued my sub and continued to play what I thought was trash, I also got all the mage tower appearances I could get and some weren’t easy for me.

I feel like that was my reward for:

  1. Working for something that wasn’t easy to me.
  2. Staying loyal to a game I love when I didn’t like some of what was happening to it.

I wasn’t subbed at certain times and there are cheevos and appearances I will never have. Those that did get them deserve them and they deserve to stand out.

I’m glad they took them out. If you weren’t around for it then you don’t need it. Blizz even sent emails for Mage Tower’s giving people heads up in enough time if they wanted to get them.

Stick around and stay loyal or don’t reap the rewards. I certainly don’t expect to have things that people worked hard for because I wasn’t subbed. Just took come back years later and have it be easy. I don’t get this mentality.

They aren’t pushing this mount and these types of mounts aren’t new. It’s the Chinese New Year mount and a lot of people look forward to it.

So really what is this about? Them taking things out of the game you can’t get anymore or them selling mounts cause it seems you have a lot of anger and pushing multiple agendas.

Right back at Blizzard. Why don’t they stick around and stay loyal to us? They’re going to have to do something about that when we get past the 20th year, because we’re nearing a point where we won’t be able to take what we achieved with us. That’s the dirty little secret that gets very little discussion: the finality of Retail WoW. We’re nearer that point now than ever before.

I speak as one who got all of the DPS Mage Tower challenges done. I can make my peace knowing that in the next 5 years, it will be forgotten. In essence there’s practically nothing to immortalize our accomplishments.


I feel like they could do better sometimes, but couldn’t we all? That still doesn’t mean that someone that just started playing should be able to go back and get appearances and cheevos taken out of the game for a reason. Nothing wrong with people standing out for staying loyal to a game, not everyone hates it.

Imagine if the people who really loved the game dared come in here and say they did. For the most part we just hear from those unhappy around these parts.

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Eh well, the only reason people want to stand out is to impress others. The bad ol’ look-at-me. This is archetypal MMO stuff that has ruined the genre since time immemorial. People want something to hang over the heads of others who don’t have it. It had made me sick, but I got better.

I think the happiest people are those who play WoW on their own terms. I’ve been doing my own thing since late Wrath and the only thing I regretted was giving a certain Eonarian guild another chance to lay aside self-interest in favor of their self-interest. The unhappy ones are those who have to seek outside validation: their guildies, their friends, the community.

I scored a record 5,500 HKs in Stormwind and Ironforge, mainly because I wanted to do my own thing. Even now I miss the Hunt. My last 4 and a half years of WoW was like Dirty Dancing.

You get called a blind white knight defender of evil or whatever. Same thing that happens any time says anything not negative on the forums.

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Yea I was to busy having fun while playing that I literally never touched the forums.

About removed content I totally agree with OP, lets forget about appearances for a moment.
Mage tower; it was one of the funniest futures in game added in a while, and its gone, replaced by nothing and we don’t know if there will ever be something similar.
Pandaria; if you did not get the cloak there is an existing zone you cannot reach in timeless isle, plus the story makes no sense ( imagine as a new player going there, seeing others reaching this place and bam you cannot and never will, while others still can) that is bad marketing honestly, you are basically telling new players they don’t get the same playable content as old players.

About this expansion, trusting that I had at least this expansion to finish, I lagged on horde. When I wanted to experience it, half of it was removed, not adjusted (I know that much cause a horde char I had, got stuck in the mid unable to grab the current patch quest).

Its not like WoW is a rt storyline like Eve or smthing.

About appearances I get why its frustrating, unlike say Eso, where vanity items/mogs are changed on an almost daily basis as fashion seasons, in wow you don’t know if you will ever have a chance to get something else if you missed it.

I dont know about everyone else but to me specifically this patch feels so empty, I remember years ago playing Diablo which I loved but I got to the end of the game and then I could do it over again on a harder mode. That never appealed to me, and this seems to be what we now have in wow.

I dont find horrific visions at all engaging, maybe later I might play them more, but right now I am not feeling the draw. It to me does not feel like there is much to miss out on this patch, and I have never felt this way before.