Dare to unsub during this terrible patch? Gonna miss stuff then

That’s not true, I don’t want to stand out. I actually love my appearances for myself and could care less what anyone else thinks, so that isn’t a true statement at all. They are amazing, and look great, it has nothing to do with anyone else and more myself. I could care less what anyone thinks of me in this game. Like you said, it’s on your own terms.

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So…maybe they should weigh their priorities and decide based on that. I unsubbed in WoD, missed the challenge appearances and the moose. Still best choice I ever made.

I understand why people are frustrated, totally get it, but I’m also all about people standing out for certain achievements and having something to show for it and definitely not upset that they do. I have never really seen anyone throw anything in anyone’s faces in this game over appearances and achievements unless it’s PvP stuff and that really doesn’t matter to me, PvP isn’t my forte.

Again, just my humble opinion.


It is new player unfriendly, blizzard’s current tactic is desperately keep the people who are too invested for ever living

This is funny, I used to think it was just Blizzard myself and went and played another really popular MMO, holy talk about have to work for things and not have the same thing as everyone else cause they take it out of the game too!

You can’t even play certain classes w/o unlocking them!

Yours is a romantic take on the whole thing, but I try to appeal to basic human nature.

But you know? If more people were like you, WoW would not only have a better community, but it would be a better game overall.

I played video games since from my youth, for my own fulfillment instead of obtaining societal preeminence. This is also why I become gladder the more WoW becomes a single-player experience as opposed to the more traditional MMO. The bottom line? People suck. Edit: In the esoteric way that fully encompasses to tell the truth that WoW is no escape from the real world when it comes to the way people act, even though who share a great many common interests.

And I don’t sound self-righteous because I probably suck a lot in the eyes of the community(I kinda already do). I’ve let down a lot of people. I just marvel when people think WoW is supposed to be different than the RL life they lead.

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I’m not. If other people get limited time content that I choose not to pursue or am otherwise unable to achieve I don’t mind it at all. Life is full of choices and opportunity costs.

It was in Wrath, they removed the Black Proto Drake, rewarded as a meta-achievemnt for the Naxx raid (there were titles as well)… and also the mount reward from the Tribute to Immortality achievement. I’ve seen the Black Proto Drake quite a few times, at least once a month, but I’ve never seen the Crusader Horse.

Nothing should ever be removed from a game like this. All they do is make all the older content not worth doing. What? I just… don’t even.

Lets be real the only stuff truly exclusive and a true show off are 1 occurrence achievements like realm first or world first. And not many care about them.

Besides those, anyone can get anything if they are into it. The issue here is they are time limited (in a game based on pay4time o.o). So basically they are rewarding time availability not capability/effort. That’s where things went wrong.

They have been removing content since BC, it started small but now it is huge lists of stuff

it’s entertaining (yet somewhat sad) watching you switch alts to keep this thread going :joy:


Actually it started in Vanilla with the AQ mount from the gate opening event.