Dare to unsub during this terrible patch? Gonna miss stuff then

Hardly a ‘fanboy’ I’ve been critical of BFA plenty, because it does have flaws.

I’m just allergic to BS and I call it out whenever I see it.

meh - none of that is special.

If it’s this bad then just walk away. You’ve complained nearly every single day this whole expansion from as long as I can remember about how horrible the game is, how horrible the faction balance is, how horrible Blizzard is, how dead the game is, just walk away. Find something that will bring you a little more joy than forcing yourself to play a video game that you clearly hate.


I find it funny that people clearly assume I am playing this game when i havent even bothered getting the cloak.
Hey geniuses, your sub doesnt magically end the moment you decide to quit, so I am simply getting as much value from the wasted sub token from the forums before it expires on feb 10 : 3

I ve been playing swtor since before 8.3 hit lol

If you can’t afford 15 a month then you don’t deserve to have the mounts/achieves/transmogs.

If I can’t pay 10 grand a month for my ferrari then I don’t deserve to have it.

I’ll ask you a simple question. Is it worth investing time, money and energy into getting a toy in a game you dislike playing?

That’s about where I am right now. The logical answer is no. If the game is heading in a new direction with these mandatory tasks that you need to do daily then I’m out. No amount of in game toys are going to keep me doing what I dislike doing. If I want chores hey I have a full time job, own a home and have family. I have plenty of chores. I don’t need more of them!

The only way I come back is if they formally announce they will no longer create forced daily obligations. Meaning rep tabards are back. Meaning raids drop raid gear and dungeons drop dungeon gear and arenas and battlegrounds drop PvP gear. Meaning whatever it is in the game you like doing they are going to support that being a wholly separate activity you can do exclusively. Otherwise count me out.

Yeah honestly I missed a ton of stuff because I wasnt playing since the early expansions and if there is another big MMO i am abandoning WoW at the first chance i get.

my sub has 15 days left on it. ive missed out on stuff before and ill do it again.

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Seems like zealots who get triggered over Blizzard constantly are the ones who are the least likely to unsub.

Or you know, sub hasnt expired yet so we use the last time left to point out how terrible WoW has become in hopes they get the point and fix it in the future.

More like people ragequit and throw a fit, then resub when they’ve calmed down.


But f it is bad…will you miss doing it? I can’t think of anything outside of basic leveling in BfA I would see as something sad to miss.

Only thing I’d miss is how easy it is to gear.

If you think BfA gearing is fast you would have a heart attack when you see how fast gearing is in Swtor, we have vendors there, and we get top gear with set bonus and 90% of your character’s power within a few days.

Enjoy your weekly grinds in WoW : )

So you barely have to play the game in swtor? Is it that bad?

These don’t exist in WoW unless YOU make them.

Yeah imagine actually playing a game to have fun instead of working for gear xD
Sadly blind blizzard fans have forgotten what it is to actually play a game instead of work

Hey you also believe faction imbalance doesnt exist, no surprise you dont believe that one doesnt exist either, I bet you also believe racism doesnt exist anymore too xD

That’s literally why people play WoW. Keep telling yourself different.

No, they just have fun putting effort into the games they play.

It doesn’t.

What weekly grinds are there that you are REQUIRED to do?

Trust me, I know racism exists.

If you’re already unsubbed then why make a thread titled “Dare to unsub during this horrible patch”?

If it’s so fun and so much better then why do you spend so much time here trolling and complaining instead of playing the other game and having fun? lol

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He’s already done everything in it. You don’t even need to play the game to get the best gear.

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It’s called multitasking, I am playing swtor rn and merely alt tabbing : )

I wonder why would anyone make a thread pointing out the terrible parts of WoW and patches, we should just bend over and worship blizzard and never say anything bad lol xD

So yeah, I plan on continuing to post critical threads of blizzard till the sub ends : )

And if you think I am trolling it says a lot about you that you keep feeding the troll lol