Dare to unsub during this terrible patch? Gonna miss stuff then

There’s a lot of things I don’t have, but, it’s okay.
A: I won’t ever play enough to earn 100% of things, even if they are in game for a billion years.
B: It is nice to earn something special.

You again?

What is this like the 20th thread you’ve started where you complain about the game?

Sunday was yesterday buddy.


Man, Ralph threads always get so many bites. Kudos~

May seem petty but I can’t play it until they let you remap keys, basic level functionality.

Anyone who programs ‘F’ as the interact key isn’t much of a PC gamer.

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In a contest for the most annoying posters, this dude would certainly rank top 10.

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What are they removing? I probably don’t care enough personally, so I still won’t play.

You obviously don’t have much of a problem with supporting them though. You dished out the $ for the SL pre purchase, or you wouldn’t have that panda dk lol. On topic though, the forums did erupt not long after the battle for undercity quest was removed from wolk.

Not rly. Bought everything with tokens and now have another 1.6m to spend on tokens before sub ends since there’s no point leaving money here when it can be account balance to buy and sell other stuff

Dude, stop lying.

You bought Shadowlands, pre-purchased it. You’re not ‘going’ anywhere, because if you were, you wouldn’t have bought the next expansion.

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Or you know, I just bought it because I wanted to play a panda dk in 8.3 and preplanned everything only to be utterly disappointed by 8.3 and not touch WoW since then.

Sub ends feb 10, I’m transferring all my gold to account balance and won’t rly bother since I can play the game,e with the superior system, classes, pvp and story aka swtor: )

You’re not fooling anyone.

You can stop pretending that you won’t be around when Shadowlands launches. No one with as much angst as you have for this game spends $60 on it to purchase the next expansion and then says they’re quitting.

This is reddit meme levels of BS.

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Longer != Harder, at least not in this context.

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You imply I wasted real money for it when I can buy everything with gold lol.
Before 8.3 I used tokens to buy shadowlands, a faction change, a race change and all for the panda dk which haven’t even touched 8.3 outside of selling some stuff in the AH
And I still have 1.6m to turn into account balance : )

WoW hasn’t been worth real money for quite some time

Well I am trying to give the expansion, and the game a do over. Instead of transferring my alliance lock to Area 52 I deleted her and I’m leveling another one I am going to try to do everything through on her I have barely played at times and I already feel like I’ve missed the whole expansion anyway. Same with Legion I never raided and barely did any dungeons in Legion and I haven’t done any in BFA. I do like the story lines and want to complete it for the lore which is why I’m trying the do over for myself.

Keep spinning those lies. It’s really not fooling anyone at this stage.

If you were only interested in the Panda DK, you’d have purchased the normal edition of Shadowlands. Yet you spent your ‘money’ on the more expensive heroic edition of the expansion which gave you the mount.

Sorry but, you’re going to have to be more convincing. Your bluster about how you’re ‘going to quit’ to play what is, quite frankly, an inferior game is about as transparent as a ghost.


WoW fanboy can’t handle the fact that people are abandoning WoW for Swtor even though I ve met a ton of people in Swtor’ s general chat trashing WoW and saying 8.3 is the reason they moved.

Sorry will keep enjoying my superior gearing, classes, story and pvp, you enjoy grinding in WoW : )

I already got the cloak on 6 characters. There is nothing else to miss.

You may miss an AOTC mount but it looks awful lot like a twilight drake if you don’t play this patch.

And the m+15 rewards and probably 5 mask rewards for visions

The Brawler’s guild quest mount is probably going away too plus whatever rewards they have for rank 8 or whatever.

Exactly at this point because people ar used to such removal of content you need a list of the things they remove or plan to remove at the start of the next expac, it is sad really.

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