Dare to unsub during this terrible patch? Gonna miss stuff then

Since it’s so easy just get the stuff you want then unsub. Problem solved.

Nobody missed your “point” at all. They just think it’s ridiculous of you to pretend you don’t understand why people would want to get rewards for doing content.

Devs don’t give a darn about the future of the game, or the 6 new players they keep claiming they are completely remaking the game for. If they cared, they wouldn’t have turned the story into a broken mess that makes no sense in any context.

If I decided to unsub for the rest of the expansion, I’d be able to skip being nagged literally dozens of times a day on every character I log into to do content that character is clearly not ready to do.

But hey, it’s good for badly geared characters to die horribly when sent to higher level zones. That’ll make those lazy good-for-nothings shape up!

Are you serious? That’s stupid. Guess I missed out since I’ve been slow on the storyline this expac. I’m a quest reader too. :confused:


They already cut a lot of quests during expansion, if you miss them then you’re done

Like Magni and Brann trip to ulduar

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It’s usually how WoW functions - they’ve doubled down on it through using the season format to keep people invested.

It’s up to the player to choose if they want the reward or not.

Why post many many threads just trashing Blizzard - - just quit or look at providing normal feed back.

You are starting to sound like the heelzvsbabyface youtuber lol. No offense honestly.

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Why though? This expansion’s story is already terrible and convoluted. Why make it worse with cutting out parts of the story? This is upsetting. Blizz is doing a really good job of making me dislike BFA more and more. It’s stunts like this that show me how much the devs don’t care about the game or the players. Disappointing.

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No change ever comes by being quiet.

Plus, I need to get some value out of the sub until feb 10 since im not playing the game xd

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So has it kept people invested? Does the attempt to inflate playtime and subscription length with gating behind boring grinds result in a net gain or net loss, as people get bored and start forgetting to log in?

I always figured if they wanted you to read quests, they wouldn’t have the questgiver run away from you while you’re trying to read them.

I only recently leveled up a number of characters and have been putting off that Sylvanas questline, which had gotten a lot of “very grey” feedback. I was still trying to push my characters through the war campaign. The quest disappeared and I was like, whew! I don’t have to do that. I guess it never really mattered.

And that’s the whole game right there. None of the story matters one bit if they can just rip it apart and leave it in shreds multiple times during an expansion.

It doesn’t matter how many times people (who claim to be fans of it but don’t really care what a mess the game is) come to the forums and whine about new players being lazy for not having subscribed before they ever heard of the game.

It’s all part of the “if we treat new players really badly it will inspire them to be more like us” concept.


Ralph, that is just spam at this point.

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Because you dont like valid criticism you label it as spam lol, there’s many people who agree and are tired of blizzard’s bs removal of content and I wont be the last person who makes a thread about it

You make multiple threads per day, all usually about the same thing.

Yeah and here’s a hint, a day has 24 hours in it, that is not spam. Even if i made 24 threads it would still be nowhere near spam.

I don’t work at Blizz and don’t have the info they do so I can’t answer that… obviously.

No change happens by doing the posts you do - - just saying.

But you do you, everyones’ free to their wacky world of opinion.

Plus I’ve not had a sub and still was able to post so not sure your sub running out will change anything there.

Blizzard doesnt even care about the story, meanwhile in swtor there are a number of quests that because of changes could have been removed, instead bioware simply moved them to start from a terminal nearby since they understand removing quests and story is beyond moronic

Says somebody with no WoW PvP experience.


says a 62 human DK who said factions are balanced, nuff said lol

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62 DK thats played more than you. :sunglasses:

Nuff said.

I don’t agree with his reasoning. But PvP is trash for other reasons. And yeah, I’ve done some PvP.

I agree. This is the worst PvP has ever been.