Dare to unsub during this terrible patch? Gonna miss stuff then

Said by someone who has clearly done no real pvp, even by just playing pvp in both games the feeling is different.

In WoW thanks to the pruned classes pvp is trash because the limited skills and cooldowns as well as cds on gcd has lead to a terribly slow and boring combat with little ways to outplay each other, also gear is king.

In swtor all classes has strong cooldowns, a ton of non gcd utility and extra abillities along with far more complicated rotations leading to many ways to outplay others and almost never die in a random warzone if you arent a noob.
Oh also they have scaling so skill>>>>>gear

But yeah, keep telling others how it is “the same”

And with the vast majority of sets being sold in vendors, most classes have their best set as well as tactical from the vendor : )
especially when it comes to pvp

You are simply wrong swtor pvp is the same all stuns. The sith generally win.

What cosmetics will we be missing out on? The only thing I can think of is the cosmetic backpack, which I will be unlocking before I unsub. I’m not even putting it into my cloak anymore. The only other cosmetics that I’m aware of is the raid gear, which I’ll be farming by the end of shadowlands.

This is generally how I feel.

If the rewards are not really worth the gameplay to me, I don’t really play it.

Spoken like a person who has only read some random whine post and has no idea about pvp, considering being a sith/jedi/force user doesnt mean your class is good, especially when many non force users have been known to be broken xD

But hey, wow fanboy trying to defend their dying game

I personally have no problem with them having a portion of the content be exclusive, as long as they keep it in single digit percentages.

The reality is that the colors are not going to match next expansion anyway and very few people are going to care what you accomplished two years ago. I see relatively few people running around with weapon mogs from legion today for that reason.

Removing key story elements is another deal though and they removed the burning of Terrasadil which is going to make it difficult for new players to understand the context of this expansion.

I have never understood how anyone can say removing content is good or fun for the game. Most of us are older and by doing this blizz is locking itself to current players because it will discourage new players knowing they will never have that chance because it was removed. And we won’t be around forever.
Entire storylines/rewards gone for no better reason then blizz wanted to.
I’ve shown friends who were interested in joining the game some of my characters, one of which was my druid which has the mage tower bear skin. They said they wanted to play a druid cuz it looks cool. When I informed them they can no longer obtain that form they were put off and decided not to play once they learned how much has been removed.

The more you remove the less new players will want to join. Just because we struggled through it doesnt mean everyone has to nor should they if its expansions old.


if those things are still within the “bad” content, why does it make a difference?
…you still have to do the “bad” content to obtain them.

…so you just want all the good stuff, without any effort.

perhaps “accomplishment” would have been a better word for them to use.

i do it to fill out my collection.

a lot of items which i obtained while they were current, were vendored as soon as an upgrade was available.
transmog didn’t exist back then, so if decide i want to get the items added to my wardrobe, i need to go back and run the content until i obtain the items.

i’m not being FORCED to do it.

said by someone who has 1k kills and has never done anything rated…

look out everyone… WoW is dying… again. :joy:


My main point exactly, this tactic is just a way to keep people who are too invested in the game from leaving, it is actually pushing away new players.

And when a game is unable to attract new players, then it will only go down from there.

Blizzard’s pathetic attempts at getting players back in the game by removing stuff is so annoying…

Just wanted to vent, lol

The fact is you don’t like WOW you like SWTOR just quit WOW and move on. I know you like the attention and I am giving it to you.
IT is just boring that you say the same thing every few days.


I had another friend decide not to play because of the allied races. I was talking it up and they really wanted to play a dark iron dwarf. When I explained how they had to get it thier response was “why am I going to make a character do all this work just to unlock the one I want to play. The others dont interest me. That’s so dumb.”

I dont know why I keep trying to get people to join. Especially when blizz makes it so bad for the new people.

I really enjoy this game. I have since bc (been here since vanilla but i hated vanilla). Back then it was so easy to get people to join when they most they removed were achievement rewards (nax mounts is the first I can really recall honestly). But when you start removing complete gameplay mechanics and content it starts ending new players joining.

And when you’re not getting new players because you keep removing things/blocking things. And ticking off old players so they quit. What will you be left with.


Unsub for good and play TemTem instead!

i kinda see what OP is saying.
if you dont get the items in time or join too late, they are gone forever.
noone else can have them. ever.

he wasnt talking about the removal of the quests being the problem…its the removal of the rewards of said quests that are account bound and are nice.
man…this is depressing me…dunno if im gonna keep my subscription now…thats a lame thing to do, blizzard.

To “miss out” on something is to lose the chance or opportunity to do or experience it. If something that was available in the game was later removed, then people who did not get/experience that thing when it was available missed out on it regardless if it’s because they were not playing at the time or for other reason.

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And even old returning players sometimes, I lost the mage tower appearances because I moved to Aus and had to make a new account, I wanted the MoP mogs but i ll never get them because I wasnt played seriously back then and considering I personally dont enjoy 8.3 and sub ends on Feb10 and wont touch it until at best shadowlands, I know I will also lose the m+15 rewards since they are gonna get removed.

It makes me, and old player who enjoyed WoW in general as a universe and game feel like i have more reason to just quit and never touch WoW again and focus on other games than return in a game where i cannot get a ton of stuff.

I had quit during wod and missed the ring quest line. Idc about the ring but that cut alot of story out of the xpac by removing it. Then thiers the cloak in mop (I got that one was a good story line). Some of these are important to the storylines of the xpac. Which if you are playing for the first time wanting to experience the whole story, you won’t be able to.

and what does that say about the player base when they re sub and continue to get treated that way i say do as you want blizzard until the player base leaves.

We have been unhappy for awhile now.

I don’t see anything in OP’s post worth FOMOing over, tbh.

Just a silly cartoon story, a mount that takes far too much money to be worth the cost, some titles, and a cloak that matches a total of zero transmog outfits.