Dare to unsub during this terrible patch? Gonna miss stuff then

So you just want stuff for free that other people achieved. :roll_eyes:


ah and we are back to what i said on my first post, the delusion that it is an “Achievement” when in reality all your need is to sub to the game and play trash content else get punished : )

But hey, do delude yourself doing a questline, buying a carry or doing an easy m+15 with broken corrupted gear is an “achievement”

Edit: Do you think people enjoy roflstomping through old mythic raids find it fun? Or do they just do it because they just want the cool mog


nope, as you said here:

It obviously is a challenge to you to achieve these things in current content and you want to be able to avoid that.


Why are you mad that they are removing content that you don’t want to do?


Because they are also removing reward that look good that people might want but if they want, they have to

  1. Stay subbed during a trash patch
  2. Do trash content before it is removed

You don’t want to do the content, but want the rewards.

So you won’t do the content, but are mad that they will remove the content so you can’t get the rewards that you wouldn’t get anyways because you won’t do the content.



If its a trash patch you should be at peace with not playing it.


So, you want to be rewarded by a company whose product you actively proclaim to be trash?

Go stand out in front of McDonalds with a megaphone, screaming about how their food is trash. Then, follow that up with, “Can you guys give me some free food?”


Not when they might lock rewards that are locked behind the trash patch and are not obtainable ever : )

Of course that is just gonna make the game more and more new player unfriendly since they ll know they ll never be able to acquire X cool thing because they werent subbed but hey, old people who are far too invested in this game will always defend it and never leave, so hope blizzard is happy with a small population of hardcores that will play content no matter how trash it is so they can have the rewards

Content to do and rewards are too different things, but that is kinda hard for a blizz fanboy to understand

They can’t make everyone happy. If they try to make everyone happy, then they will just make their most loyal customers unhappy.

It’s a matter of triage. They just make the game THEY think is fun. Whomever likes it will stay and play. Whomever doesn’t like it will either whine and keep playing or quit. Either way, they keep the majority of their happy players happy. If all the haters quit, then they don’t have to listen to the whining anymore.

You are not the kind of customer a company needs. You’re actively trying to drive off their happy customers.


OP for the love of everything. Just go play SWTOR you tell the forums everyday that is what you want.
I did like some things in SWTOR. the dye system was great.
End game SWTOR is awful and it takes forever to come out.

You mean the minority though considering the amount of people jumping ship the majority i guess of people have are far too invested in this game to ever leave and will defend the removal of content while most people are against it : )

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Does this mean i can no longer get the artifact appearance that comes from doing one of these?

Keep telling yourself that. The majority of WoW players never post on forums.


Sure they our.

Very true lol!

If you want the rewards so badly then go get them.


I already am, I am playing multiple alts that all have good gear and I get to enjoy good endgame something that WoW has lost.

Endgame being pvp and some pve activities, and unlike WoW thanks to actually well designed classes pvp is fun and replayable, something that WoW has lost since MoP/WoD.

But yeah, if an mmo is just raids and killing one big computer controlled opponent for x rewards then yeah, swtor is not for those people that want to feel special by having all the rewards and gear, in swtor gear is democratized, anyone can get good gear, not just raiders.

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pvp in SWTOR is no different than WOW. The set gear is still the best gear you can get in game and surprise you need to raid to get it.