Danuser is stealing from his own ideas

Guys please do remember we’re talking about pretend nonsense and cliche as it sounds the only thing that matters are the friends we made along the way.

No reason to try to turn this into a courtroom drama. .

Regardless of a tweet, SL was an expansion that made multiple people who’ve been playing since beta quit.

That is not bad. That is catastrophic.

And comforting though it is to imagine a villain behind it all, that’s not how this works. This is a huge corporation spending millions on production.

A ship that big cannot course correct quickly, even when it’s obvious to everyone on board you’re headed straight for an iceberg.


Honestly I just despise when people think this is okay to do. Making stuff up about someone is wrong. And Steve dansuer is the last person deserving of this defense in my eyes but even so he doesn’t deserve to get outrage against him over something he never said. What he does deserve is criticism for shadowlands story


I mean, I have had that screenshot floating around in my phone for awhile. I have seen it posted in several discord channels.

If it’s fake, then it’s fake. I am not sure that it is. Tbh, it’s not anymore ridiculous than things he has verifiably said. Which is really the point I was making by sharing it.

The Jailer really is presented to us like some master strategist. Danuser literally made a villain that is then credited with everything all other WoW villains had done.

It would be like I got to publish a Batman comic, and all the Villains of previous Batman comics were just the Henchmen for my new Villain.

That is what Danuser did. He became lead Narrative designer, plagiarized other fantasy settings, and wrote over the works of the all the writers that came before him.

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I mean would you believe Danuser temporarily self inserted as fan favorite character Sire Denathrius on twitter? There is literally zero proof on reddit or anywhere else that Danuser did in fact do so on his twitter. No proof except for this embedded tweet on the story forums with links to Danuser’s real twitter account, which has his twitter named changed to SIRE DANUTHRIUS because they were linked when he was self-inserting as him.

Thank you for this validation Baal. It means a lot to me.

I understand. I agree.

The Sun Tzu tweet comes from a fake account, I’ve seen the screenshot before and have heard explanation from people who have shown it. Would’ve been hilarious if it were real, though it’s not.


Who tf cosplays as Danuser on Twitter?

That seems like someone with absolutely no life.

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The same type of people who make fake accounts of anyone else


And I thought my neurodivergent a$$ was crazy… I seem normal by comparison.

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I’ve considered making a fake Baal Twitter account that would just tweet random whale facts



Somehow I feel he’d still get hate. Not eveyone likes whales.

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As someone who owns a copy of The Art of War and has actually read it, I can say the Jailer doesn’t fit that level of tactical or strategic brilliance at all. Not even close.

The Jailer has essentially been a blank state for the entirety of SL that’s why. We know literally nothing about him except he was jailed For stuff, because insert evil reason we’ll retcon in 9.2

What do we know about him outside generic bad guy ravings? :wolf:


I do enjoy Blizzards reasoning as to why no-one knew Zovaals true motives because of how funny it is. Basically Zovaal considers himself as the only adult in the room, so he told no-one else about why he tried to break into Zereth Mortis. However Denathrius implies that he knew or at least had some idea as to why. Saying that he [Zovaal] should’ve sided with him [Denathrius] to find a “better way”.

It honestly comes off as an excuse for their poor character development of the guy. The cinematic of when he is imprisoned with the Primus asking why should’ve happened at the start of Shadowlands. Not at the end. It is also weird how we see Queenie, Archon and Daddy D from Zovaals PoV but for the Primus it is from his PoV. Which makes people, including myself think that that part of the cinematic was planned earlier in Shadowlands development. Since the team didn’t finalize on the Primus’ design until patch 9.1.

Honestly, Shadowlands should’ve been an investigation style campaign. Have the Archon tell us about what led to Zovaals imprisonment and the meta narrative is us trying to find out what the hell he was going on about. Bungie framed Witch Queen this way. We find out that Savathun somehow has the light and has actual ghosts working for her and her brood. The story is then trying to find out how and why she got the light. Did she steal it like she has tried in the past or was it given to her? Meanwhile the secondary plot of the Witch Queen campaign involves the Scorn. How did they get into Savathuns throne world and why? How are they this organized? Who is behind them? Is it Frikul the Fanatic since he was driven from the Tangled Shore after pulling a Whitemane on himself or someone else? Those answers are solved in the campaign and the raid, Vow of the Disciple. It was a fresh take from previous expansion storylines where you are just given a list of targets and sent in to kill them until you get to the leader.

Even the seasonal storyline with Season of the Risen is an investigation. Since it runs alongside the Witch Queen campaign we partner up with the Cabal Empire and use their light countering technology against the Lucent Brood. While using their Psions to uncover what Savathun is planning with the hive’s raids on Earth. Mainly the EDZ and the Cosmodrone. The ending of this kinda implies that it happens before the final missions of the Witch Queen Campaign.


Absolutely mentally ill.

Idk how to tell this but these are the WoW forums.


What else can be said in that I look for a pretext for plagiarism? that in reality only for them they would consider it as an inspiration, reference or reuse.

Ahh… but if someone copies the jailer to a game, he denounces you as theft and plagiarism… that’s really sad.

But the worst of all is that little by little it is the DISTRUST that someone responsible for the lore of the Warcarft story has, and we do not know if he will make the same mistakes that were seen in 2 expansions.

Nah, I mean Danuser if he thinks that anything the Jailer has done is in any way even remotely similar to Sun Tzu.

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