Danuser is stealing from his own ideas

Man who’d have guessed the Forsaken fairwell of “Trust no one” was actually just helpful advice for navigation the interwebs.


It’s stuff like this that makes me understand why the devs would have teldrassil burned down I mean this night elf here is just blatantly slandering him I can’t believe I’m defending dansuer

If I was to give him the benefit of the doubt, I would say there are a lot of other reasons the story is bad that are outside his control. I don’t know how a single project at Blizzard is structured, or how many cooks they have in one kitchen. It could be that the Jailer is awesome, but he was just not given the screen time or dialogue needed to full take shape. And perhaps that is due to limitations of the cinematic team, or perhaps how quest text is written.

A tweet like that could be his attempt to save face, or an attempt to defend a character he believes deserves more time and credit. I don’t know what the situation is inside Blizz HQ.

All I know is the end product that has been delivered… And if this was supposed to be an awe-striking villain, then… They missed the mark.

I feel like it is not enough that a Villain just be cunning though. Honestly, even if Blizzard could show me that The Jailer was this mastermind in a believable way… I still don’t think I would like him. The biggest problem is -why-

They of course hint at some bigger threat on the horizon… But it is really hard for me to care about the motivations of the Jailer when I don’t even know what it is. Firstly, it is overdone with Warcraft. Secondly, it is not even done well with Warcraft.

I am a big Mass Effect fan. And while we didn’t know what it was, we saw Sovereign even before we saw Saren. And we learn what Soveriegn is and WHY Saren is doing what he is doing BEFORE we defeat him. It’s not some hint given with his dying breath, leaving us to speculate for what will probably be a year or more.

It’s not a fake Tweet, it’s a deleted tweet.

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So basically, “it’s real, trust me bro”.


It’s fake I found no evidence on Reddit calling this tweet out this low blow for slandering someone. Edit: welcome back Baasmael to the lore forums


I mean, it’s this guy…

But, if you rather be skeptical, that is your prerogative. Point remains, dude is not a good writer or Storyteller regardless.

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Okay still doesn’t justified slandering. You are trying to slander someone just because you don’t like what they did with night elves seriously this is garbage behavior.

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I am not trying to Slander him. I am sharing the information that I have.

When it comes to the treatment of Night Elves, I have issues with more than just Danuser, believe me.

That information is false what you are sharing is not factual information because he never said that

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He did, but if you rather be skeptical, that is on you bud.

Uh where is a Reddit post confirming the delete tweet I’ve looked everywhere and he did not say that reason I bring up Reddit is surely there would of been an outcry of this

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I don’t know if you are serious or joking rn.

I’ve seen his Twitter before, yes.

That doesn’t prove the picture is a deleted tweet. “Trust me bro” isn’t a source.

Reddit is just a Forum…

You can’t just say “It’s not on Reddit, so it’s not real” LOL

Then be skeptical or go looking for an archive somewhere. I don’t know what to tell you. That’s a you-thing my guy.


Yeah and I don’t even like dansuer but this is garbage behavior to make up lies about someone.

Okay so now you are saying you don’t have any links other then your own words that this true. Funny I searched online Steve dansuer art of war and nothing came up you are lying and are backpedaling because you got called out. This is garbage behavior from you

I have general contempt for him as much as the next person but cannot find any mention of this tweet anywhere outside of this thread and it’s definitely something that would’ve been in my general social circle so I do not think it’s real.


  • given this self plagiarism (which lmao)
  • given the other Warhammer copy pasta (other four eternals)
  • given the Bwonsamdi/Muehzala pivot as per Roux in 2019 (she asked her to not kill muehzala and rewrite Traveler 3 in early/mid 2019)
  • given the separation of the Primus and Zovaal who undoubtedly were one character
  • given the separation of Bastion and Ardenweald in early development ergo Kyrestia and Winter Queen were meant to be one character (a la Angelina Jolie Malificent, ergo why the Bastion symbol is a tear aka Tear of Elune)
  • given the implications Zovaal was meant to be An’she and thus evil
  • given the Tauren foreshadowing Ion did regarding the “truth” of his people via Cairne (I suspect Tauren were gonna be revealed to be Life Corrupred Mawsworn)
  • given the WILD inconsistent metaphysics of predestination vs double predestination throughout Shadowlands
  • given the WILD inconsistent Soteriology/Harmatiology throughout Shadowlands
  • given the HORRIBLE miscalculation of community reaction for the Burning of Teldrassol
  • given the horrible miscalculation of trying to apply Titan-specific MagiTech Basis to the entire Cosmology
  • given the systemic creative exclusion of Non-Western mythos in the central governance of the Shadowlands
  • given the subsequent undermining of the other Cosmic Forces and their basis (hope everyone is excited for the Zereth Umbra Old God froyo machine)
  • given the total mishandling of a long list of extremely delicate themes
  • given the systematic narrative undermining of each race’s foundational fantasy and basis (eg the destruction of Teldrassil as a plot gimmick, eg the attempt to force Love And Light Calia onto the Southern Gothic Victoria Penny Dreadful Forsaken)
  • given the choice to throw established metaphysics out the window or undermine it via handwaved dismissals (eg actually shamanistic cultures only talk to echoes) rather than bake in those systems into the cosmological metaphysics
  • given the seeming desire to villain bat religiosity itself in the game

The current team simply does not have the range.

The current team simply does not understand why most players who care about the lore care about the game.

The current team simply does not understand the multipolar basis of the game.

The current team simply does not respect the inherent diversity of the game.

The current team simply does not respect the diversity of the playerbase.


It seems like he possibly said that about Art of War, because he wanted to explore Taoist themes in Shadowlands through the Jailer. Actually it fits the Primus better, I would believe it more if he said Maldraxxus was based on the Art of War, because that makes sense. Which also makes sense, if Baal is right and the Jailer, and the Primus were originally one character.

Is it bad writing? Or was a lot of Shadowlands cut/ changed last minute to accomodate the pandemic?

Thank you yes it’s good to criticize him for what’s he’s actually done but making up nonsense about him is not going to help make the lore better this is just slander. I don’t even think dansuer would pick up art of war unless he thought it came from a marvel movie imo

He never did though that’s the issue there is no tweet of this. This is attempting to slander someone. Edit: ren you know I despise this story based on what I’ve said on farnath and I’ve been generally negative but slandering someone is just wrong.

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