Howdy Me and 2 friends are looking for a casual normal/heroic raiding guild on the weekends we will be leveling during pre-patch up til launch. Im a tank player that can play all tanks at a mythic level i used to raid mythic, and the other 2 are returners looking for a home to have dank memes
Feel free to check us out here: []
We don’t have a spot for a raid tank per se, though anything can change from now until raid opens, however there’s always a need for tanks for M+. We do plan on normal and heroic.
Hey! my guild is looking for all specs and classes! We’re chill and we plan on raiding on the weekends in the afternoon. We also push Mythic + and are very active in the discord and love leveling and messing around. DM me at HOWDARE#1671 we’d love to have all of you!!
guild is on Sargeras