Dance Of The Dead 2023 - Oct 20th & 21th - 25 Million Gold In Prizes

@Hopeshield. Okay , for the last actual time - One of our missions was actually just straight up designed to fail.

It was either going to be us that rolled over, or you guys who got rolled over. I’m starting to struggle to question your comprehension over simple math and game mechanics.

You have completely missed several arguments and cases in the suggestion made. No, we’re not saying the 7 people had sit out would make a difference. We’re saying the 7 people we sat out + The amount of scarlets to match the horde’s raid size would have made a difference.
…But also yes, as someone who has an actual grasp on pvp - 33 people vs 40 people is an absolutely monstrous difference, and if you honestly think otherwise – I cannot say anything without being rude about your ability to play the game. I’m sorry.


RPvP events aren’t typically my thing, part of why I myself did not participate. From all I’ve heard, a lot of folks had a blast with something that had been long in the works. Is there room for improvement? Always, that’s half of what writing and running things is about, learning and taking stuff forward to do better next time.

Folks are allowed to be upset and have opinions and feedback to give, but the way y’all are going at it is far more aggressive and on the attack than I’d like to think you intend.


Sorry, @Asher, it may have been unclear, but those who had fun with this event didn’t actually engage with any serious w-pvp. If they encountered any pvp, it was stragglers from the main horde group that 20v40’d us.

After rescuing their players, they sat in basecamp and did not come out to aid the remaining “Alliance” players due to in-character roleplay reasons.

And to clarify, if the scarlets did encounter any serious force- then the horde side coordinators lied about the amount of participants, because us 20 were able to count the full size of the horde party that we expected to encounter(40.)

In fact, I’d argue they intended to let us be a distraction to the main horde’s force. Sure, legitimate in terms of RP, but that the event coordinators could allow mechanics of game to allow for that does not brood well for us.


No, it wouldn’t have made a difference, because as you well know, as an officer of Undercity Nexus, that there were other factors at play that made this game rigged from the start.

Please don’t pretend to be some third party to this.


So to clarify, part of the upset is because IC the Scarlets were doing what the Scarlets would do IC and not aid those that aren’t their own? Sorry, I’m just confused about the whole actual issues with this.


I’ve helped to coordinate many events similar to this one, including alongside those laying down criticism here on the public stage. I remember quite clearly that you guys didn’t like it when people publicly criticized your efforts. “A big public call out gets faster results” didn’t work when people criticized you, and it’s not having your desired effect here.

This is generally why I don’t use the forums. I thought we were past big public call outs on advertisements.


It would have been 37 Alliance to 40 Horde if all the Alliance were allowed to stay, and on top of that you add the 25 Scarlets and mercenary group. So even at full strength you would have been three down BECAUSE your lot didnt want to coordinate with the Scarlets. Again, none of you wanted to coordinate.

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That’s a piece of the puzzle. We don’t mind the Ic reasons for this - that’s natural. The problem is that when the total group count was calculated, the Scarlets were added to the total number - and then they didn’t participate in any meaningful way. The ran up, collected their prisoners uncontested, and then returned to camp without issue. They did not participate in the actual PvP event to any significant degree.

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@Asher, we’re disappointed that we foresaw this happening due to the obvious IC-implications of the storyline and nothing was done mechanically to prepare for it, so that everyone could have fun.

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No blame is on the Scarlets, lets make that clear.

The event leaders said that the Scarlet’s numbers would count again the Ally’s and that created a heavy disadvantage due to how both groups function. That is the issue and that is the problem.


@Hopehsield, holy crapper my dude, no, you’re completely misunderstanding.

In this scenario we would have asked 3 of your players to play a redshirt for us, evening the sides to 40-40.


No meaningful way? We went and got our members back…which is the point of this event.

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And you didn’t participate in the PvP part of this RP-PvP event. So, yeah. No meaningful way.

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And it wasn’t “uncontested”. We had Horde on us enough to make the event a challenge.

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The entire point, as far as I was aware, was to get them out and stay out. The whole event was going to be against the Alliance/Scarlets from the very start, you were going into enemy territory.


And we couldn’t. The direction we started searching encountered a force of horde twice our size because you guys went another direction. The event shouldn’t have been allowed to do that. It was set up to fail. You’d be in our shoes if the horde went south instead of east, you dig man?

I’m not insulting you guys, I’m super glad you had fun, but there was a huge void of enjoyment happening on the east side of the map while you retrieved yo dudes, haha.

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I am sorry, but where does it say we have to PVP in the rules for an RP-PVP event? Do you go into BGs and only fight in the middle, or do you go around and hit the objectives?

Actually, I have seen enough alliance BGs to answer that myself.

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The issue is that team balancing was based on the Alliance and Horde having even numbers. When in actuality the alliance were two separate teams with half sized forces.

Everyone knew that we weren’t actually a cohesive team, but we were given equal standards. That is the issue with making the event essentially 1 versus .5.

I didn’t want the Scarlet Crusade to be forced to help us, I am suggesting that in the future you don’t put one largely coordinated team against two separate teams.

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Say it louder for the people in the back

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…Yea we did. We had plenty of fights with the Horde. We ran into the murderball of Horde on the roads too. Yet we still managed to rescue two thirds of our folks. You lot only had -one- prisoner to rescue.

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