Or we use Darnassus as a distraction with a bit of siege, skirmish with soldiers to better secure our footing in Silithus (or whatever asinine plot Sylvanas was up to then). There wasn’t a need or even desire to kill civilians other than ‘punish the NE’.
Well I’m sure the Horde could always use more trophies.
I was really pissed we didn’t get to search the wreckage.
Might’ve been something cool under all that ash.
Just punch her so hard it knocks her into another alternate universe.
Thrall’s Horde got over making trophies of the innocent in WC3. Because he experienced what that meant for the people being made trophies of.
Everyone pushing for a more aggressive Horde is forgetting the lessons of history.
An aggressive Horde may be what we need to survive.
If we become too complacent will end up in those camps like the orcish Horde did.
My respect for Thrall is somewhat low these days since he deserted the Horde to its fate in Legion and hid in Outlands Nagrand like a coward. Abandoning his true family.
We all woke up from our Stockholm Syndrome.
Yes. Anduin is absolutely the type of Alliance leader that would go ‘yes, send them to the camps.’ He’s not at all interested in an equal and even dialogue between the factions, hasn’t at all demonstrated a diplomatic mind. Just war, war, war with that kid.
Well, that might have been true some time ago, but he’s becoming more unhinged.
That fool can’t hold the Alliance together. Already the seeds of dissent have been sown and will one day ripen.
Besides this is Blizzard. It doesn’t matter how good they make Anduin look. They refuse to tear down the faction conflict. He will fail in his pursuit for peace.
That doesn’t man we start a fight! Every single time the Horde decided to fight a pre-emptive battle with the Alliance, the Horde has failed.
Learn from the past and stop picking fights with those you should be helping. If they run into problems, help them like they did us.
Its us or them.
I choose them.
It’s really not though! I haven’t felt any pressure from the Alliance or any kind of existential threat. At least not one that they have total cause for due to that maniac for a leader we endured for a bit.
So long as Tyrande and Greymane lives. There will be no peace.
Tyrande wouldn’t have had a massive problem with us had we not decided to light up Teldrassil. Genn wouldn’t have even joined the Alliance and the entirely of Gilneas might have succumbed to the Worgen Curse had Sylvanas just left them alone. Instead she picked a fight, galvanized them, and now the Horde has more problems, not less.
I still want them dead.
By the way I like your mog.
I can’t condone the wholesale killing of someone for little more than ideological differences that can be overcome, especially now that Baine and Anduin are working with one another.
And thanks, I like the dress a lot. I feel it nicely accentuates my fur patterns.
But notice that she didn’t help us take down the Legion. She sat on her butt while Khadgar and Illidan guided us. She didn’t help anybody get vengeance for Vol’Jin
Something tells me he wouldn’t be against signing an official document under Anduin’s name to assault the Horde in Stormheim. Because “pro war” Anduin was at that point before Broken Shore events definitely.
Sylvanas fell victim to Blizzard’s patented: “We don’t have a plot device for the next expansion, so let’s use another Horde leader.”
The closest to chaotic good Sylvanas has ever been is before Arthas killed her.