Damn, what happened to Sylvanas?

Pretty much. People can holler all they want that her BFA arc and behavior came out of nowhere and was completely out of character for her, but frankly most of us were predicting something like this from her the moment we found out that Vol’jin was making her warchief. In fact, the only real surprise is that it took her until BFA to get off her good behavior.

Oh no, Genn absolutely started that fight. It just turns out that he accidentally prevented a terrible terrible plot in the meanwhile. Kinda like if you hit-and-run a pedestrian at a stoplight and it turns out later that they’re actually a serial killer.

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Alliance had the same thing happen in Cata. In fact that became the narrative for the entire leveling experience.

This isn’t a new problem.

Doesn’t help you could remove Azshara and N’zoth from BFA and nothing changes going into Shadowlands.

Sylvanas got from point A to point B, and that was the entire point of BFA. N’zoth and Azshara as of now from what we can see, are completely irrelevant to the story.


It may be too early to make this prediction, but the sense I get from what we know of Shadowlands so far I suspect the expansion will include the literal resurrection and returning to life of the Night Elves that died in Teldrassil along with Ysera.

There’s something not quite “right” with each of the Shadowlands factions so far, and it’s not just the anima drought. I suspect this trend will continue with Ardenweald and Maldraxxus (we’ll see when those zones are on the Alpha).

I very much doubt Tyrande will die in Shadowlands, or if she does die it will be in service of the before-mentioned resurrection. It would be a shame to kill Tyrande off right as she was regaining her personality and fire she had from WC3 and becoming a little less Human Potential’ed and Anduin-ized.

Right after saying lets avenge vol’jin and spouting her for the horde bs. She went ahead to try to enslave one of the main vassals of the dude we need to fight off the legion just for her selfish desires. And also made shady deals with helya.So yeah, she’s always been a bad guy. But atleast she wasnt a mustache twirling villain. But lets not act like she was a saint.

it is specially disappointing when Azshara has truly been the last big bad with any characterization (old gods are random evil being so whatever). Now she might return, but her scheming is already sullied, specially since she was in cahoots with Sylvanas uselessly.

Gen Greymane happened in Stormheim, which screwed up her plan A. forcing her to take more desperate measures.
Then saurfang turned traitor and took more than half the horde with him, which screwed up her plan B and pushed her even further over the edge.

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And he certainly should leave the creature that abandoned him and all of the alliance to die, following another scheme to create more forsakens, to remain unpunished.

And Genn was right, so just blame your formalin muse for colluding with Helya to satisfy ambitions that had nothing to do with stopping the Legion.

You misunderstand me. Some fights need to be picked. And sometimes you accidentally get it right. But Genn was doing that whole sequence for the sake of Genn.

You’re expecting far too much from Blizzard; they already said that Teldrassil was concluded in patch 8.1.

A resurrection is definitely not going to happen, we have a scenario where we fight off and apparently destroy Night Elf souls in the maw, I guess if we free any they will just go to one of the Afterlives, but no resurrection.

I think what’s more likely is that Tyrande dies early into Shadowlands, we won’t see Nathanos or Sylvanas until the end where they’re suddenly friendly again and those souls in the maw get either destroyed or freed to some different afterlife, but again something like a resurrection is impossible.

Kinda makes Sylvanas out to be a selfish child.

Because the big meanie wolf stopped her from enslaving a key member of our titan keepers army, she decided to murder the whole world and help her death god boyfriend.


Eh, the alliance already had info that Sylvanas was into shady stuff after Aszuna so there was evidence to suspect her. That being said, Greymane didn’t order the attack, the other admiral did, Greymane just had to follow through.


Think about what her motivation is though, her motivation for a very long time now has been to “conquor” death… she already had valkyr in her service, so why would she need to enslave the head valkyr if it wasn’t to do something she couldn’t already do… like… ACTUALLY bringing people back to life for example.

Gen ruined her plan out of pure spite… WHILE they where supposed to be allies mind you. which forced her to take more drastic steps in her goal of conquering death.

Allies do not abandon allies to die.
The Alliance would not join Syl to enslave anyone.
The horde may applaud these acts but they are much more than Ally is willing to do.

She had a shady deal with Helya to undermine Odyn and the efforts against Legion.

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I feel this trying to explain too people that Sylvanas has been through retcons since like wrath or something is impossible

You realize that based on BFA Sylvanas probably set Vol’jin up to die and she was putting on an act at the funeral.

She’s never been good either. A stroll through Classic UC show she’s cold hearted and ruthless. Her involvement in Wrathgate can be questioned too after BFA.

No. You’re asking humans in the real world to be entertained by genocide to the point of justification, which even your analogy-splaining I find offensive as a story in a fantasy world.

I’m never going to cheer that on, because it sickens me, even as a fictional story.

Ah, you’re right. A bunch of Night Elf civilians are a threat to the Warchief of the Horde and not only their mightiest general but also their champion of Azeroth. Better put 'em all down!

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Sylvanas should be everyone’s queen :slight_smile: :heart: :+1: :crown:

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Well as horrific as the act was logistically you are saving the Horde many lives by not committing to a bloody ground invasion of Darnasses itself.

Even though I would’ve preferred it.