Damn, what happened to Sylvanas?

Playing the Horde side of the Broken Shore scenario again.

After all that has happened with Sylvanas during BfA, hearing her competently commanding her peers, working together with the other leaders, and :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: not talking down to people? It’s almost alien.

Feels like it’s been so long since she first started her mustache twirling.

Like damn, I feel so inspired after listening to her talk at Vol’jin’s funeral. I miss our old chaotic-good Sylvanas.


Whoa, you mean when the Alliance and Horde had a fun rivalry while both doing the right thing instead of being at each other’s throats for UTTERLY IDIOTIC reasons? Whaaaaaaaaaaaa?


We still need to see Shadowlands before we make any judgements I think. For I’m not convinced she’s not acting in the Hordes interests still, or at least those she identifies with most.


Burning a city full of civiliansis not an idiotic reason.


Sylvanas’s motives are pretty idiotic. I wasn’t defending her with that statement.


Writers who make it up as they go along is what happened.

BFA is pretty much Spiderman 3. Hey look Sylvanas is the villain, she is the plot, (also over here we have Azshara, she’ll be important.)

Okay, Sylvanas is out of the picture, ok heres Azshara, OH NO, ITS VENOM- I mean N’zoth. Three stories they tried to shove into one expansion.


Manipulative people are more obvious when they lose power over a situation.


sHe’S aLwAyS bEen a BaD guy!

In all honesty OP you’re wasting your time, the Sylvanas haters will not tolerate having a real conversation about how Blizzard has totally butchered her character, you’re going to get a lot of “I just want her to die for what she did to Bolvar-chan”


its idiotic to continue to keep pushing the faction war that lead us into that scenario.

It quite literally can’t go anywhere without pissing off half the player base.


Genocide is never in anyones interests.

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Liars do tend to not be honest. She needed the Horde to stay on her side. Plus there were demons invading, have to fire up the people for that.

Blizz plans the story far in advance. By Legion’s release they knew what was going to happen with Sylvanas in BfA. There were seeds of Shadowlands already planted in Legion.

Just a year before in War Crimes that same inspiring leader planned to kill and raise her own sister. She’s really always been a terrible person. :zipper_mouth_face:

That lies with Genn and Saurfang. Genn for starting the war, and Saurfang for not ending Malfurion.


lol…no it was done to feed as many souls to maw as possible.

She went evil and genocided elves.

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Well we’ll find out in Shadowlands anyways, what hasn’t been revealed is her motives, and I’m confident her motives and actions will be vindicated.

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chaotic wat mate? she is true neutral if anything.

edit: neutral evil is more fitting.

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The reason given during the stories was because Malfurion was still alive they couldn’t occupy Teldrassil. I’m fully confident that while the end outcome may have been written, the huge amount of fans standing behind her, caused them to rewrite portions to try and get them to back off.

Would be fine if they knew how to write an actual war story instead of this black and white nonsense.

War is hardly ever as black and white as they like to teach us in school. Both sides to a conflict often have pretty damn good reasons to not like the other.

But the problem still remains the players freak out when their side loses something. Players are still mad about Southshore and Camp Taco.

Let’s look at the facts here. Sylvanas’s first action after being freed: declaring, on behalf of the Forsaken that she hasn’t consulted, that they’re going to reject the Dreadlords’ offer and go to war with them. Her second action: mind-controlling people willy-nilly to make that war happen. Her third action: killing Garithos after stabbing him in the back when they teamed up to fight the Dreadlords.

The real question is what the heck the Legion writers were smoking that they could possibly think she would be an adequate leader of the Horde.

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