Damage/Healing Required for BGS

Could there be a requirement for an undisclosed amount of damage or healing required for your time in a battleground. In retail dmg and healing is disclosed but this does not have to be. Like a cheating check for afkers and leechers. I know this wouldn’t elimate some bots that run into battle on a set path but it could help a lot. I’m surprised this wasn’t thought of sooner I guess Omar can only do so much.

There are a lot of things that could be added to this. For instance the requirement maybe over several bg’s, not just one. I mean if they do no dmg/healing for many bg’s I would have doubts. Tapping a flag might release this requirement. I’m sure there are other things to add.

EDIT: Another idea I was thinking of is there could also be a counter for a lot honorable kills and no healing/dmg/deaths/kills. It would seem strange to be in range for honorable kills but not add anything to it. Just ideas i’m throwing out.

More idea: There could be a release to these requirement for say flag taps, graveyard taps, killing a npc of interest, picking up the flag in wsg, returning the flag, etc.

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No changes.

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It was probably. And discarded immediately for being a terrible idea.


Bad idea. There have been matches where I take GM and Horde never comes to contest it the entire match. It’s not my fault and I shouldn’t be punished for being too scary for them to attack.


It’s a good idea on paper, but in actual games it may be a problem. What that change could do it discourage players from defending, and we already have plenty of road warriors.

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If this was added in then I couldn’t afk in my ABs and I’d never be able to get rank 14 because I’m a dad with 2 jobs. So hard no from me, afking is pvp

While having 9 Alts to feed!!! I know you’re hurt, hurt bad!

It’s not even good on paper. It would actively encourage people to avoid the battleground objectives.

There could be a release to these requirement for say flag taps, graveyard taps, killing a npc of interest, picking up the flag in wsg, returning the flag, etc.

And 15 people dismount to cap stables at the start of AB.

This is over a course of the game not just the beginning. Also I see a lot of people complaining with nothing to add to the conversation. If you have any ideas I would be glad to hear them.

Oh I have an idea. Well not an idea so much as a philosophy. It’s called “don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater”. It’s very simple, but very important. If you aren’t comfortable with that one, you could of course go by the Hippocratic Oath which boils down to “first… do no harm”.

My long winded point is don’t screw up the game while you are trying to fix the game.

Very defensive but I fail to see what I’m overlooking in my suggestion. Maybe some insight?

I already explained that. When you start adding all these checks for damage, or flags or whatever, you change legitimate player behavior in an effort to confound the bad actors. You have people either neglecting objectives, or trying to force objectives all in order to check some invisible flag. You change the way the average player approaches a battleground… which is bad. Very bad.

Meanwhile, what have you accomplished? The bad actors quickly figure out what the absolute minimum is that they have to contribute, and that is what they then do. They are still garbage on your team, they are still contributing nothing and the only players you have significantly impacted are the guys just trying to have fun.

hrmm, a bot that does damage and healing is better than a afk or leecher. Maybe the meta for cheating will change and will make it harder. How would this affect someone who actually plays? Can you give me an example?

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Bots already do damage, so I guess the problem is already solved.

I see some bots but a lot more afk and leechers in alterac valley. I see rogues stealth leeching, people standing by graveyard leeching, people standing around hill leeching, etc. A lot people would leech or afk since they are not willing to download a bot program from a phishy site.

From datamining : https://imgur.com/BChtVVa
It may happen.

Is that possible next patch mined stuff?

It’s the PTR datamined stuff 🌐 PTR Update

Between the PTR thread and now, the 4 bags slots + AV changes have been confirmed. So the Damage/Healing recap will probably make it to the live version too.