Damage meters ruined classes

well that’s good at least. gotta know when it’s time to improve, this anti-damage meter thing is hilarious.


What the OP is implying isn’t really true. People generally aren’t using them in casual content, but no one is running Savage or EX primals (their hard content) without a meter.


It’s about five minutes on Google to learn how to run a damage meter in FF14, and that same knowledge can be used to give yourself DBM style idiot-proof instructions on boss mechanics. All the ban does is move your guild chat to Discord.


looks like the low dps aren’t getting outta this one!! :kissing_heart:


Blizzard ruined classes by removing 60% of the tools they had and by having limited, awful talent decisions.

Knowing how much damage people do isn’t the cause, sorry.


You’re being generous with 60%, but i’ll take it. We know its more than that.


I don’t think it’s a biggie.

Yeah my class combo sims in the bottom half dps. Do I love it to death? You bet. I’m not planning to push any serious content and I bring great value to the content I do (plus more importantly I enjoy the game!).

I am however trying a couple of other DPS classes and I am noticing just how easy the process is. Havoc DH I just made 6 hours ago, already 111 and most of the map quests I’m pulling 3-4+ mobs.

Doesn’t change that I’ll main pally

Someone is mad they can’t play a snowflake spec and get carried by others without being called out on it.

/end controversy

FF14 also has balance issues, but the content it has is easy enough that no one really cares.


No thanks. Some of us play the game at the level that individual performance matters.


I miss being a warrior of the light that had an array of abilities for slaying undead and demons.


Protection Warriors love damage meters.


Disc Priests are obsessed with them too, or maybe i just play with a lot of parse queen priests.

I usually tank these days, but when I play DPS…

I’m this way. Am I perfect at mechanics, certainly not, I’ll drop a few things here and there but for the most part I’m on point.

My dps isn’t completely terrible (except on ww monk for whatever reason) when I play my dps classes, but I’m easily worst in my guild.

I don’t know what the reason is. I’m actively following my rotation (or priority list) but I’m always well below where I should be. It honestly comes off like I’m treating the GCD as like a 2 second pause, which I’m not. Just the best way for me to explain why my damage is lower, as if I’m taking longer to hit the buttons then I should. But I’m actually mashing the stuff so it will fire as soon as GCD is over. Honestly can’t even explain it. Maybe I just focus too much on mechanics so my uptime on bosses/trash isn’t as high as it should be.

simply not accurate, pve has far more effect on pvp then pvp on pve, between the “need” to raid to pvp. The biggest effect pvp has had on pve is the silly quests attached to things like the legendary cloak or more recently essences and back in the day many specs needing to pvp for a specific (typically)weapon because pve itemization was that horrible. Sword rogues in TBC is the poster child of this in t4 content.

So what has pvp done to pve? oh noes an ability gets reduced by 5? 10%? Years of arcane torrent was no problem, but as soon as its meta for mythic+ and yet its a more recent people try to use to blame pvp.

But lets go further, early days of Twitch the pvpers dominated viewership, even now the duel tournament for classic is a top view, and outside the personality streamers like soda or asmongold, pvp viewership with its horrible state is still on par with pve viewership, you can not understate that advertising pvp has brought to the game.



No, making it so every class was so similar that only their DPS matters ruined classes.

If you had class specific skills, buffs, debuffs, etc, you would want to bring some people- even if their DPS wasn’t great.


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People have them its just against ToS to call someone out for it. So if you were to call the person out they could prove you had it and thus you’d get reprimanded. But over there, its a lot more to it than WoW has. With WoW you gotta do mechanics and memorize everything, with FFXIV you just gotta remember what each marking on the floor is used for and follow suit.

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You’re not wrong.

I have a feeling your understanding of class balance is very poor.


Players have been using damage meters since 2005, in those very first Molten Core and Onyxia raids. It has always been a thing, and it is a good way to tell if your damage output is in sync with the rest of your raid, or worse.