Damage classes vs Hybrid Classes


warlocks and mages heal better than any healer while doing top dps and provide the best, and infinite amount of ccs in the game

healer-dps-tank all in one

wheres the tuning

If you can’t tell already they have been tuned better than other classes? There is absolute no rhyme or reason on when they decide that a cloth class become tankier than a plate class or a pure dps class outheals a hybrid class.

I blame affliction warlocks

Side note, why are there cheat death mechanics with rogue and fire mages? I know people that play them like to say, “They never really help” but in reality they are super powerful. For example, a rogue procing cheat death gains 7% hp with 85% dmg reduction effectively giving you 49% of your health for 3 seconds. This a lot of time for a healer to react.

If your hp reaches zero in pvp, you should be dead. Plain and simple.

Because they give up a wall thru feint and fire mage has 1 block and the weakest barrier of all mage specs

Feel like you prolly already know that

Because warriors should not be relying on healing to stay in the frontline.

They should have shields and damage reductions and relying on their healer like they use to.

It’s also important for hybrids to be able to heal themselves in a 1v1 situation.
The whole reason some people play a hybrid in the first place is because they don’t want to rely on a healer.

Especially when rated bg’s come out and being able to heal yourself become super important when the only 2 healers are nowhere around.

When a warrior is out healing you, then you know there is a issue.